Communication With Kids

Communication With Kids

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages verbally or nonverbally. In any communication, there is a sender and a receiver, a message, and interpretations of meaning on both ends. The receiver gives feedback to the sender of the message, both during the message’s conveyance and afterward. Feedback signals can be verbal or nonverbal, such as nodding in agreement or looking away and sighing, or other myriad gestures. If the receiver can hear the sender, he or she can also pick up cues from the sender’s tone of voice, such as emphasis and emotion.

Why Communication Is Important with Kids?

Communication is fundamental to children’s development; children need to be able to understand and be understood. Communication is the foundation of relationships and is essential for learning, play, and social interaction. This attachment underpins learning and development – it helps children thrive.

How Should Adults communicate with Kids

  1. Communication Should Be Positive

    Positive communication with children means paying attention, respecting the child’s feelings, and watching your tone of voice. Positive relationships between parents and children are an important part of building a child’s positive self-concept. A child’s ability to manage stress, feel confident, and motivate themselves in later life has a lot to do with their early childhood experiences. A child who feels constantly blamed, judged, and criticized may grow up to become an adult with a negative self-concept. Parenting is all about communicating with your child. Positive two-way communication is essential to building your child’s self-esteem. While children thrive with words of encouragement and praise, listening to your child boosts their self-esteem and enables them to feel worthy and loved.

  2.  Pay Attention

    If you want your child to be a good listener, make sure you’re a good role model. Take the time to listen to them. Make sure to spend some time every day simply sitting and listening to your child even if you have a busy schedule. Allow important or difficult issues to be discussed without the fear of over-reaction, criticism, or blame. If they are in KG classes or Primary classes parents definitely do a casual talk about their classroom activities, play with friends, teachers, home works, etc. If you do this regularly, your child will share all talks and activities or incidents whether negative or positive in front of you without any fear.

  3. Encourage Your Child’s Ideas And Opinions

    Positive communication is a two-way street in which both parties take turns listening and talking. Respecting each other’s personalities and respecting each other’s opinions. According to Dr.Maria Montessori, Each child has their own personality. So parents and other adults should respect a child’s personality. Therefore children need safe opportunities and experiences that give them the message that they can develop this skill well and become active members of the group.

  4. Do Not Try To Correct

    You should stop correcting their grammatical errors or finish their sentences –concentrate instead on what they are trying to say. If you try to correct while they are taking it will affect their confidence and interest to talk.

  5. Allow Your Kids Sufficient Time

    Allow sufficient time to finish what they are trying to say. Don’t show impatient body languages, such as sighing or foot-tapping. You should have patience. Answer any questions using simple language. Talk to your kids frequently about anything and everything.

  6. Build Up Positive Self-Esteem In Young Children

    Positive, encouraging words to help children to feel confident and happy. Try to avoid always correcting your child’s mistakes. Trial and error are part of every child’s life. Your child may feel discouraged and hopeless if all their efforts are marked or criticized. Thank them for helping you with the household works. Let them know you have faith in their abilities. A child who is constantly told to be careful or that they will hurt themselves will eventually lose confidence in their abilities. Allow them plenty of opportunities to do things they enjoy and do well. Feeling competent builds self-esteem.

    Let them create their knowledge and appreciate their efforts not just their results. A child needs to know that it is okay to fail. Try to avoid always saying ” Don’t do, Don’t do”. Try to turn a negative sentence into a positive one. For example, most of the children like to try on their shirts or shoes, but parents do not allow them. It is not a good thing. let them do it, they will correct it by repetation.

  7. Trial And Error Are Part Of Every Child’s Life

     Your child may feel discouraged and hopeless if all their efforts are marked or criticized. So try to avoid always correcting your child’s mistakes.

  8. Body Language Communication With Young Children

    Smile, a child will respond better to a smile than a frown. Maintain eye contact with young children. Remember, though, that older children and adolescents often don’t like this, so chatting while you’re walking along or driving in the car can be more effective. Use a gentle tone of voice, especially if tempers are starting to fray. Yelling only encourages more anger. Avoid impatient body language like eye-rolling, foot-tapping, or sighing. This can discourage a child from talking.

  9. Use Positive Phrases for  Young Children

    Children thrive with words of encouragement and praise.  For  example: Good job, You did that really well,  I’m very proud of you!, I like playing with you!,That’s a beautiful painting!, That was a great try!, You’re so thoughtful!, Thanks for helping!, You’ve got a great memory!, That’s amazing!, Great idea!,You did it!, wow!, Super!, Excellent!, Nice!, Fantastic!, Marvelous!.

  10. Avoid Criticism & Blame

    If you’re angry about something your child has done, try and explain why you don’t want them to do it again. Appeal to their sense of empathy.

  11. Show your interest by saying such things as

    “Tell me more about …”, “Really!” and “Go on …”. Ask children what they feel about the things they’re telling you about.  Work together to solve problems and conflicts. Be honest with each other.

Talking and listening to children does lots of important things. It improves your bond with them and encourages them to listen to you. It helps them to form relationships and to build self-esteem.

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