Hanging balcony plants: suitable species for a green balcony

Would you like to make the balcony nicer and more comfortable? Then hanging balcony plants are just perfect for you! In this post, we will show you a few ways you can turn your balcony into a real flower paradise! They are pretty easy to care for, but also really beautiful. We hope you like it!

Hanging balcony plants for a green paradise on the balcony

hängende Balkonpflanzen tolle Blumenarten

Hanging balcony plants would make your balcony more colorful and cheerful and give it a special charm! There are species that bloom all summer, as well as those that can also function as privacy and sun protection. You can hang the plants from the balcony railings or from flower pots and boxes. When choosing the types, you should take into account the location of the balcony – whether it is facing north, south, etc. It is also important whether your balcony is exposed to the sun all day, or in the shade or partial shade. You should also think about whether you can put the plants in the apartment in winter. If that is not possible, we recommend that you opt for hardy species. With optimal growing conditions, the hanging plants will turn your balcony into a real blooming oasis! It is also important to skillfully arrange the flowers. You can find some ideas for this under our photos!

Hanging balcony plants: geraniums

hängende Balkonpflanzen Geranien

And which species can you choose as hanging plants for the balcony? Let’s start with geraniums, which are among the most beautiful balcony plants. Your flowers can hang from hanging baskets and railings and keep you happy all summer long! They are ideal for a sunny balcony, so you should water them regularly. Geraniums need lots of water and bloom from May to October if properly cared for.

The flowers do not tolerate waterlogging and the dry leaves and flowers should be removed regularly. Do not plant the geraniums close together, but with a distance of at least 15 cm between the individual plants. This will give them enough space to grow. Geraniums thrive best in high-quality humus soil with regular fertilization. If you wish, you can plant the flowers in flower boxes together with hanging carnations. Geraniums are perennial and can even overwinter on the balcony.


Petunien pflanzen Tipps

Petunias fascinate with their colorful flowers, which is why they are simply ideal for the balcony! The plants are easy to care for, sun-loving, and are just perfect for a hanging basket or the balcony railing. Petunias need adequate water and bloom from May-June to October-November. In addition, they need well-drained soil because they cannot tolerate waterlogging well. You should never water the petunias with hard water. You also need regular fertilization with a liquid fertilizer – about 1-2 times a week.

Hanging petunias can be wonderfully combined with other varieties – such as milkweed and magic bells, and are best suited for a balcony with a roof. Otherwise, the heavy rains can damage the delicate flowers.



Fuchsien sonnenliebend

Fuchsias are also wonderful hanging plants for the balcony. They do best in partial shade and shade. There are also varieties that can tolerate the sun well, but not the strong sunshine at noon. Fuchsias need a lot of water and regular fertilization in summer. They usually bloom from June until the first frost. The plant can be sprayed with water from time to time against whitefly, aphids, and other pests. For hanging baskets, we recommend that you choose low-growing varieties – the large fuchsias are best suited for a flower pot. They can be combined well with hardworking lizards.

Hard-working Lieschen

Fleißiges Lieschen rot

Hard-working Lieschen is particularly easy to care for and fascinates with its white, pink, or red-colored flowers. Thanks to the dark green leaves, they come into their own. The plant is best for a shady balcony and the flowering period lasts from May to October. It is very sensitive to cold, so it should not be planted until mid-May.

See the photos below for other ideas for hanging balcony plants!

blaue Zauberglöckchen zart

Schwarzäugige Susanne pflanzen


hängende Balkonpflanzen rote Nelken

Petunien wunderschöne Blüten

hängende Balkonpflanzen Ideen und Anregungen

Blumenampel Petunien

Schwarzäugige Susanne Pflegetipps


hängende Balkonpflanzen Petunien schöner Look

Schwarzäugige Susanne Pflegetipps

hängende Balkonpflanzen Petunien

Hängenelken rosa und weiß


Glockenrebe violett pflegeleicht

hängende Balkonpflanzen herrlicher Look

rote Geranien herrlicher Look

hängende Balkonpflanzen passende Sorten

Hängenelken Blumenampel herrlicher Look

Geranien in Rosa pflegeleicht

hängende Balkonpflanzen Geranien herrlicher Look

hängende Balkonpflanzen Glockenrebe

Glockenrebe pflanzen Tipps

Geranien sonnenliebend pflegeleicht

hängende Balkonpflanzen Fuchsien

Fuchsien herrliche Blüten

Fuchsien Pflegetipps

Fuchsien in Blumentopf

hängende Balkonpflanzen Fleißiges Lieschen

hängende Balkonpflanzen Fuchsien rot und blau


Fleißiges Lieschen Pflegetipps

Fleißiges Lieschen in Zartrosa

hängende Balkonpflanzen rosa Zauberglöckchen

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