Montessori method is formed by Dr. Maria Montessori. It focusses on child centered education. Her philosophy says children have a great potential to learn in an independent environment. This method fosters natural learning. The teacher/ directress/adult is the link between the apparatus and the student. A set of didactic apparatus fosters concrete to abstract learning of all concepts. Montessori system is quite useful in today’s education also.
1. Natural learning : There is a freedom of choice wherein child can choose whatever he wants to. This way the child learns to make a right decision and be responsible for his rights and wrongs.
2. Student centered : The teacher or adult is just an observer and is available to the child to help him learn the concepts. The child discovers the knowledge on his own. This is much relevant with the today’s education system wherein differentiated learning and personalized learning paths is emphasized.
3. Hands on learning : There are tools in Montessori which the child uses and makes the abstract concepts understandable easily and also they are retained for ever in the memory. This develops the kinesthetic learning and patience.
4. Socia-emotional development: Montessori environment foster calm peaceful environment with emphasise on soft speaking skills, patience, respect toward apparatus, not disturbing other while working and work in their own work space. These qualities are much needed in today’s world.
5.Adaptability to Technology: Montessori though its a traditional hands on experience but its principles encourages children to adapt to technology as well. Technology can be included without disturbing the core value of this method.
6. Global relevance : Montessori is an international accepted method. So, this brings a uniformity of education which would be useful to children under many circumstances.
7. Critical thinking: Montessori method develops self learning, control of error, decision making , problem solving, etc which is very much needed in this fast paced, information rich world where adaptability and creativity are of great importance.
Montessori method’s fundamental principle is respect for child as an individual. Their opinions and choices are valued and they are treated with dignity. This build the self esteem and confidence in child which is much needed in today’s competitive world.Montessori equips children with skills and mindset necessary to traverse and contribute to an every changing world.