Importance of Montessori Teachers training course

“ In learning you will teach & in teaching you will learn”. Learning is a continuous process. Here we talk about the importance of Montessori Teachers Training course. As we all know that because of its effectiveness of teaching and learning method it became one of the highly demanding career oriented course.  First of all we have to know about ‘What is Montessori Education?’ and its benefit. This course was developed by

Dr. Maria Montessori, who was an Italian Physician & educator. She gave importance to the kid’s overall development especially for the development of sensory motor skills. She emphasises sensory education.



Montessori education is a approach in learning & teaching which gives importance to independent learning from a freedom environment. It concentrates on a child’s physical , mental & social development. We all know that each & every child is unique. So as a Montessori teacher we have to find out the skills in children, help them to find out themselves. We want to apply sense orientation method and diverting to aptitude method in them to make it successful. We need to make and maintain a good rapport with them. This course help us to learn the importance of rapport making with others, especially with children. Through this we can make confidence in them. It enables them to do everything and face the challenges in life and moreover they will be ready to face the world. A Montessori Teacher has great role in building the strong foundation for the future of each and every child that they are dealing with. In Montessori education we are not teachers. We are the facilitators, guide and supporter for kids.

Montessori Teachers Training course will help us to know about the Montessori philosophy & methodology in education. If we applied those in correct way both teachers & students get benefit. We also can see the changes & development in us. We can learn many things while teaching. Children also learn like this, learning by doing.



  1. Activity oriented & child centred learning.

Students are more important here. They get chance to actively participate in their learning process. Here teachers are facilitators/ guide/ supporter. They can learn through play & enjoyment.

  1. Various skills development in child.

We find out the skills in child & give them support to develop that. There are various skills in children like aesthetic skills, kinaesthetic skills, cognitive skills, motor skills, sensory motor skills etc.

  1. Various skill development in teachers.

Observation, patience, adaptable to any situation etc are the skills we get from this course.

  1. Get chance to learn classroom management.

We get the ability to manage more students at a time. How to maintain the interest of students through out the class and learning process we will get the idea from this Montessori course.

  1. Language development & speaking skills.

Now a days the medium of communication is English Language. We get chance to learn it and we can teach them from starting stage itself. Baba sir’s spoken English course was great blessing for us in the field of English communication. Whatever be our mother tongue, which language is more hearing by us, we will master in that language.



Montessori teachers training course is unlocking the potential of both children & educators. If we are potential enough then only we can mould the coming generation. “ Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; It is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding” ( William Arthur Ward).

We need to inspire our students. We have to encourage them to face the life. We can give them confidence. Montessori Teachers Training Course is concentrating on the over all development of both educators & students. Not only for career development it is beneficial, but also for our personality development, socialisation etc . It is a great platform to explore ourselves & find out the hidden talent in us. The course has world wide recognition.

Anitha, Batch 76


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