There Are Many Benefits of Drinking Milk for Skin, Hair and Health

Milk, for a really long time, has been known to be very healthy and nutritious. It contains a number of important nutrients required by the body, like calcium, vitamin D, proteins, fats, carbohydrates etc. Mothers and doctors constantly advice to have milk every day, even though many people don’t really enjoy it. If you don’t like plain milk, you can have it in the form of a shake, with honey or with breakfast cereal. You can even switch to other milk products like yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. Milk is a complete meal in itself because of all the nutrients present in it.

Cow’s milk is probably the most consumed milk around the world. The other animals whose milk is used are buffalo, camel, goat, sheep, deer. The type of milk is selected based on a persons body type. There are various options available, like whole fat milk, skimmed milk, low-fat milk, flavored milk and lactose-free milk (for lactose intolerant people). Our body requires milk as a source of nourishment, take it in any form you prefer.

Go through these amazing benefits of milk and get inspired to start drinking today:

30. Healthy bones—

Having healthy bones is very important as they provide a structure to our body, protect our organs and store calcium. With age, they become weak due to the loss of calcium via urine. Milk contains high amounts of calcium and an abundance of Vitamin D, both of which are essential for bone growth and strength. Bone mineral density and bone matter are dependent on the calcium content of the body. People with vitamin D deficiency should drink fortified milk.

29. Strong teeth—

Milk helps protect the enamel surface of the teeth, keeping them healthy and growing. It eliminates the harmful effect that carbonated water and acids present in food have and helps protect them from tooth decay and cavities. Calcium also helps prevent gum diseases and keeps the jaw bone strong and healthy.


28. Heart health—

The potassium content in milk helps reduce the blood pressure and enhance the dilatation of blood vessels. It also works as an anti-acid fluid and normalizes the amount of cholesterol.  Cow’s milk and goat’s milk, due to the amount of saturated fat present in them, have lately been avoided. Even though it is easy to get semi-skimmed milk, people prefer soy milk, oat and rice milk as these are high in protein and help reduce cholesterol.

27. Better immunity—

Vitamin D in milk helps make the immune system stronger. Bacteria present in organic milk is also beneficial for the immune system and helps reduce allergies. Whey protein, found in milk, contains beta-glucans and immunoglobulins, which fights off cold and flu and helps the body in the natural detoxification process.

26. Good for eye health—

Begin a good source of vitamin A and B12, it is beneficial for the eyes. Kids should drink milk regularly to improve eyesight.

25. Improves intelligence—

Whole milk is very important for brain development in children due to the presence of healthy fat. It also helps support neuron formation in children. The presence of magnesium in milk improves intelligence in kids, while in adults it prevents forgetfulness.

24. Helps in muscle building—

Muscle building requires proteins. Milk contains two high-quality proteins, 20% whey and 80% casein. This makes milk one of the best muscle food on the planet. Whey and casein form an ideal combination for muscle-building together as while whey provides one with instant protein, casein takes time to break-down and provides the body with a steady supply of proteins in small amounts.

23. Post work out drink—

Milk is like the ultimate post work out drink. Whey, also known as a “fast protein”, quickly breaks down to form amino acids and enters the bloodstream, making it a very good protein to consume after a workout. The protein in milk is crucial for the recovery of the muscles. Milk protein is rich in branched chain amino acids which act as natural muscle building supplements. Other than these, milk contains fats, carbs, electrolytes and other nutrients that help in muscle gain and recovery. Also, milk is easy to obtain and one of the cheapest foods if you consider the number of nutrients it contains.


22. Helps in Weight loss—

Milk acts as a nutritious snack/Appetizer and can be consumed alongside fruits, honey or breakfast cereals. Drinking a good serving of this calcium-rich dairy product will help you lose more belly fat as compared to people who do not consume it. Hungry between meals? Simply grab some milk with whatever you prefer, enjoy your snack without the stress of gaining weight.

21. Reduces hunger pangs—

Cold milk reduces hunger pangs. Also, the fat present in milk, unless you go fat-free, digests really slowly and keeps you feeling full longer, decreasing hunger.

20. Energy booster—

Milk contains lactose, a carbohydrate. Your body uses sugar from them to replenish the energy stores. A glass of cold milk will make you feel replenished in no time. Chocolate milk provides the body with more energy as compared to other energy drinks.

19. Improves hydration—

Staying hydrated is very important for the functioning of human body.  Water makes up about 70% of the human body and is used by almost all our parts to function fully and hence we need to drink water frequently. Milk contains about 85% of water molecules and can be treated as a replacement for water sometimes. The electrolytes present in milk also help retain the fluids that you consume.

18. Less stress—

Your body will start feeling relaxed with just one glass of lukewarm milk, after a tiring day. It soothes the nerves and tired muscles. Vitamin B12 present in milk is really good for nerve tissue.

17. Depression—

Presence of vitamin D in the body leads to the production of serotonin, a hormone linked with mood, appetite, and sleep.

16. Aids good sleep—

A good sleep is very important, as it is during this time that our body repairs and restores itself. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of hot milk, it contains a type of amino acid which impacts the first phase of sleep, combined with carbohydrates at night to have a good sleep. This combination also urges the brain to produce serotonin, also known as the “calming hormone”.

15. Alleviates PMS symptoms—

Drinking milk regularly reduces the chances of premenstrual syndrome. It relaxes the body and keeps the negative effects of PMS at bay.

14. Maintains fertility, good for pregnancy—

Since ages, ovulation-related issues have known to be reduced by milk. By doing so it increases the fertility. A pregnant woman should consume milk on a regular basis for calcium, vitamin D and proteins for a safe and healthy pregnancy. It also benefits the new-born during the early stages of life. Mothers who drank milk during pregnancy had children with higher levels of insulin which reduced the chances of them have type 2 diabetes.

13. Optimizes child health—

Drinking milk every day gives children the much-required calcium for the growth of their bones. Children who have calcium deficiency do not develop properly and grow slow. Apart from this, milk also provides vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates.

12. Soothes bad throat—

A glass of warm milk helps soothe a bad throat. Milk consumed with a pinch of turmeric and pepper also works wonders with the throat and cure irritation and cough. You can also make some tea, it will help you feel a little energized and also fight the infection.

11. Heartburn eliminator—

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the throat or chest that happens when the acid for the stomach enters the food pipe. The cooling sensation and thick consistency of milk coat the food pipe and eliminate the burning sensation.

10. Helps soothe burns of spicy food—

Chilies contain capsaicin, the substance that makes the tongue sting when we eat spicy food. Capsaicin has a hydrocarbon tail, meaning, only oily or soapy compounds can dissolve it. Milk, contains casein, a fat-loving compound that binds to capsaicin and it leaves the surface of the tongue, thus soothing the burning sensation. So, next time when your mouth is sizzling, grab a glass of milk!

9. First aid in case of poisoning—

A person should be taken to the doctor immediately in case of poisoning. In some cases, as first aid, drinking milk also helps. It not only dilutes the poison but also slows down its digestion and absorption by the body. Many people, as they grow old, develop some sort of lactose intolerance and have a limited amount of lactase enzyme to digest sugar. So, when we drink milk, the lactase enzyme is overwhelmed and hydrochloric acid in stomach starts curdling milk to form a curd-like substance that covers the lining of the stomach and intestine and slows the absorption rate of poison.

8. Lowers risk of type two diabetes—

A 12% reduced risk of type two diabetes is associated with low-fat milk. Low glycemic index of milk, calcium, fatty acids, vitamin D, magnesium, and proteins are responsible for this. People who already have diabetes need to carefully choose a milk so as to have a minimum serving of sugar.

7. Helps fight progression of osteoarthritis—

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints. A glass of low-fat milk a day could improve this condition, but only in women. It has a very little effect on men. The details of this are still under research and currently has no permanent cure.

6. Prevents colon cancer—

Colon cancer, cancer of the large intestine, is the third most common cancer in the world. Milk helps protect a person from colon cancer. It has the greatest impact on cancer of the distal colon. Components of milk that help prevent this cancer include Calcium, vitamin D, probiotics, butyric acid, conjugated linoleic acid, and sphingolipids.

5. Stronger nails—

Healthy nails require zinc, and milk has it. Nails develop white spots, become yellow and brittle because of deficiency of zinc. Drinking milk is recommended, as it contains high amounts of zinc, for healthy and shiny nails.

4. Radiant skin—

Queens and kings, for generations, have been taking bath in milk. Not only because they could afford it, but also because milk makes your skin soft, supple and glowing. You don’t really need to get a bathtub full of milk for this, even drinking two glass of milk a day will work wonders.

3. Youthful complexion—

Milk contains lactic acid that helps make your complexion fair. Drink it with a pinch of saffron for even better results. Proteins present in milk help in the formation of collagen that keeps the skin firm and good looking.

2. Promotes hair growth —

Milk helps maintain healthy hair. Calcium prevents hair loss and boosts their growth, helps in the creation of keratin: an important element for hair growth.


1. Gives hair volume and shine—

Proteins and lipids present in milk make hair roots stronger; and vitamin A, B6, biotin, and potassium help hair retain its shine.


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