NCDC & ICET Rapid Spoken English Module Day 14: Talking with Objects

NCDC & ICET Rapid Spoken English Module Day 14: Talking with Objects

Activity 1: Anchors start the program in a different way.

Activity 2: Short Meditation (Faculty leading).

Activity 3: All the students & faculties ‘Signing In’ with different verbal nonverbal signs.

Activity 4: In charge students give individual welcome to faculties & other students in regional language (Use variety ideas to welcome others).

Activity 5: In charge students give welcome to all with song.

Activity 6: In charge student gives 1 minute speech in regional language as the Thought of the Day.

Activity 7: Each student shares the experience regarding yesterday’s 5 practices. Anchors coordinate the program:

(a) Practice with their family members.

(b) Video Practice with your 3 sets of partner students over phone and opinion about the partners.

(c) Overall improvement after the Vocabulary Action Game.

(d) Practice of Chart Lessons 36-40

Activity 8: Faculty shows a demo practice of ‘Talking with Objects’.

Activity 9: All students practice ‘Talking with Objects’ individually and thrills with Animal Sounds after the practice.

Activity 10: Faculty clears the doubts of students.

Giving Home Assignment to students:

Individually Practicing ‘Talking with Objects’ in 4 stages

A. First stage: Practicing Talking with 10 Objects without sound.

B. Second stage: Practicing Talking with 10 Objects with sound.

C. Third stage: Practicing Talking with 10 Objects with sound and record the audio and shares in WhattsApp group.

D. Fourth stage: Practicing Talking with 10 Objects with sound and record the video with sound and shares in WhattsApp group.

Group Message matter:

Today’s ‘Talking with Objects’ is an individual practice. See the below video to see how to do this practice?

Demo Video Link of Practical Lesson 14 Talking with Objects Practice:

E. After finishing all the above practices you can test your level and improvement by this Practical Lesson 14 Test link: (You can do more attempts too):

F. Faculty provides Vocabulary Chart Lessons 41-45 links in the group:

Group Message matter:

Chart Lessons to be practiced alone 41-45.

Take each of these charts and practice with your mouth open and your voice repeated as shown in Practical Tips Lesson 3 & 1.

End with the National Anthem and bye bye song.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander

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