NCDC & ICET Rapid Spoken English Module Day 30: Nature Walk & Travelogue Casual Talking Practice.
Activity 1: Anchors start the program in a different way (by using English).
Activity 2: Short Meditation (a student leading).
Activity 3: All the students & faculties ‘Signing In’ with different verbal non verbal signs. (Use a variety of ideas for ‘Signing In’).
Activity 4: In charge students give individual welcome to faculties & other students in English (Use a variety of ideas to welcome others).
Activity 5: In charge students give welcome to all with song.
Activity 6: In charge student gives 1 minute speech in English as the Thought of the Day.
Activity 7: Each student shares the experience in English regarding yesterday’s 4 practices. Anchors coordinate the program:
(a) Practice with their family members.
(b) Audio & Video Practice with other students over phone.
(c) Overall improvement after the Pair Debate Practice.
Activity 8: Faculty shows a pair demo practice of Nature Walk & Travelogue Casual Talking Practice.
Activity 9: Students practice Nature Walk & Travelogue Practice Casual Talk as pairs and thrills after the practice. Any topic they can include in their casual talk. Others appreciate with congrats thrills.
Activity 10: Faculty shows a demo of open challenge practice of Nature Walk & Travelogue Practice.
Activity 11: Students practice open challenge practice of Nature Walk & Travelogue Practice.
Activity 12: Faculty clears the doubts of students.
Giving Home Assignment to students:
A. Phone voice call practice of Nature Walk & Casual Talk between first set of 2 students. (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).
B. Phone voice call practice of Nature Walk & Casual Talk between second set of 2 students. (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).
C. Phone video call practice of Nature Walk & Casual Talk between third set of 2 students. (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).
D. Practice Nature Walk & Casual Talk Practice with your family members especially children.
Today’s Pair Debate can practice with your family members along with your life related activities. See the below video to see how it is possible?
Demo Video Link of Practical Lesson 30: Nature Walk & Casual Talk:
Simple English Conversations Cartoon Video Lesson 4:
Most people cannot speak English because they do not have the opportunity to hear and speak simple English conversations. Our cartoon video lessons are the medicine for that.
You need to watch this lesson more times up to understand the usages and words in it. Here is the Cartoon Video lesson 4 link:
End with the National Anthem and bye bye song.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander