•Here learning happens by doing and practicing all the ‘Learning Activities’ mentioned in this book. So, all learning activities should be practiced. Then only you will understand the idea and will become thorough to be usable for the future and career. Before starting all ‘Learning Activities’ practices in each chapter, students should read the passages in each unit many times & should do all preparations and practices in its maximum. All the assignments should be written in your own sentences. For reference you can use different sources like internet, books, magazines, subject experts, self-thinking & self-meditation etc.

•Participatory system, Freedom in practices, development of different skills & intelligences, confidence building, making presence of mind and thereby creating happiness and enjoyment, different types of activities & practices, different presentation skills, life & social lessons & nature friendly living, encouraging others, exchanging positive energy to others, career building, spiritual development etc. is the core of this Methodology. The practices and assignments in this book are to be done for your development and for getting idea for teaching school children.

•Theory Assignment Record Book: For writing assignments in this subject, buy a quality A 4 size book for this subject & write all the written assignments in an attractive way & with page designs.

•All the practices & assignments of the students should be unique. Don’t copy any others assignments or text content.

•Trainees should be given full freedom to do the practices according to their imagination. NCDC Faculty also becomes a student at the time of these practices. Never follow the explaining, copying & by hearting method as per the conventional system. If you follow this Methodology, student’s self-capacity increases & the learned things becomes deep & become an asset for their future & career & she becomes a unique personality.

•This book is only a syllabus module & all the things written are for practicing.

•Students get the result only by doing the practices written in this book.

•Our examination is also based on this methodology. All the learning way practices & assignments will be taken into consideration.
•Faculty and students must use English for all formal and informal communication during the academic year (Rule in the back of course reg. form). All Pre and Post Home & outside Assignments written in this book should be done as home or outside assignments. Live practices are for practicing in the live as individual, pair & group as mentioned in the practice.


(All together 30 minutes)

Divide students in to 4 groups with group name under the leadership of 1 or 2 students.
Groups and their responsibilities:

Group 1:

a. Coordinate the entire day’s live class.
b. Coordinate the beginning Verbal Guided Meditation during live class.
c. Coordinate the group wise signing in session. Each group as a whole signing in to the class under the leadership of the group leader by using their full body with variety themes, choreography music and sound modulation.
d. One group member recites her own NCDC Anthem after signing in of groups.
e. Actively participate in the daily lesson related activities.
f. Coordinate the National Anthem and final bye bye song.

Group 2:

a. Coordinate the Instant Pair Talent Show.
b. Actively participate in the daily lesson related activities.

Group 3:
a. Anchor & Coordinate the daily lesson related activities.
b. Actively participate in the daily lesson related activities.

Group 4:
a. Coordinate the musical appreciation during live class, National Anthem, final bye bye song and fill the gaps with variety music.
b. Give appreciation comments to others in WhatsApp group regarding the forwarded assignments of all group members.
c. Actively participate in the daily lesson related activities.

Group’s Roles & Judgement

1. Group roles are change on a daily wise (rotating on anti-clock wise).
2. Faculty judges each group’s daily performance and declares the marks and winners at the end of the daily live class.
3. Faculty judges the overall performance of each group and declares the marks and winners at the end of this theory paper.

Regarding Lesson Preparation, Home Assignments & Examination:

1. Pre Home Assignments: All the students have to prepare the Individual Pre Home Assignments minimum one day in advance. That will help the students to perform well in the daily live class and in their post home assignments.
2. Study Group: All the students have to forward the photo of all Pre Learning Home Assignments to their respective study group. They also have to forward the audio clips of the Post Learning Individual, Pair & Group activates, photos of the writing assignments and other learning materials to their respective WhatsApp study group.
3. Examination: Our examination conducts in a way of continuous, comprehensive and multi-examiner system and all the above elements will be taken in to consideration.


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