Pre Home Assignments

Learning Activity 1: Meditation on the Passage: Students should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times. After reading each paragraph, close the eyes & think about the paragraph content for a few minutes.

Learning Activity 2: Book Reading & Review Writing: Read minimum 2 books related with child psychology during this theory paper & write reviews about these books in 2 A 4 pages (each book).

Learning Activity 3: Small Project work: Collect the traditional information and indigenous knowledge regarding keeping the pregnant lady happy and satisfied. Find out the scientific aspect behind those details and prepare a report regarding that in 2 A4 pages in the Theory Assignment Book.

Learning Activity 4: Make a list of activities useful for the development of children at the womb level: Search on the internet & collect different activities good for developing positive things in a baby at the womb level.

Learning Activities for Live Class Session:

Learning Activity 1: Share experience session: All Students share experience regarding their own pregnancy period or about some others in their family. One student anchoring the program.

Learning Activity 2: Skit: Present a skit regarding the advice talking of a preschool teacher while seeing the quarrel between a pregnant lady and her husband.

Learning Activity 3: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion like in TV. All students are participating in the discussion.
Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit
Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.

Learning Activity 4: Guest Class: Arrange a subject expert’s class in English about things to take care during pregnancy period. Invite an English fluent guest like health nurse / doctor / Asha worker etc. for delivering a class and clearing the doubts of trainees. If any trainee is able to do this, give chance to her.

Learning Activity 5: Learning activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity as per the choice of lesson activities coordinating group.

Self-Home Assignments & with classmates:

Learning Activity 1: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about the importance of pregnancy period and development of children at the womb level in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.

Learning Activity 2: Pair TV Interview with Expert: One take the role of a health worker and other one take the role of an anchor. Sub: Things to take care during pregnancy period. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.

Individual & pair learning activities as Post Home Assignments:

Learning Activity 1: Conduct an awareness class to pregnant ladies (imaginary way) about the influence of mother’s character, behavior, emotions, mental condition of embryo at the time of pregnancy.


The development in a person including physical, mental, informative, intellectual, language, emotional, social, moral, existence etc. are complementary and dependable. The backwardness in one area will create backwardness in other areas also. For example, physically healthy children show more development in intelligence and social skills.
Hereditary and environment are the basic factors determining the development of a person. Hereditary is the sum of all factors and features in a person transferred through chromosomes from his/her parents and their ancestors. These hereditary factors getting through tradition very deeply influence each person’s development.
All the non-traditional factors influencing development are called environment. The question regarding which one influences more, traditional or environment is not important. Reason is development is totally a personalized matter.
The details regarding different developmental factors are included in coming chapters.

Stages in Child Development

It is difficult to determine a specific stage in child development. Reason is development happening personally as a continuous action. For learning convenience, it is divided as, pre- natal, infancy, early childhood (preschool) and later childhood.

1) Pre-natal stage: Development starts from the formation of zygote by adding sperm and ovum. It has only a size which can be seen through a microscope. Then it doubles in each second and after reaching around 280 days forms around 30 million of cells. This pre- natal stage is very important regarding the development in the after birth stage.
The physical, mental, emotional, habitual etc. conditions of the mother influence very deeply in the development of the child. A man acquires more development in the prenatal stage than in the after birth stage.
The physical condition, emotional stage, mental condition, behavior etc. of the mother in pre- natal stage influences the child very deeply. Happy and healthy mental condition is very essential for pregnant ladies. Sorrow, fear, anger etc. are dangerous. The behavior of the husband and other family members should be pleasant to have confidence in her.
The child understands the approach of his / her mother and father within the womb itself. The chromosome coming from sperm and ovum are having the features of personality. But the experiences the individual child receives from surroundings in pre- natal stage should influence the personality of the child. According to the modern psyche analyzers, severe mental disorders and diseases start from the womb of the mother. Zygotes have the capacity of memory and absorbing feelings. The physical, mental, emotional and feelings of the mother spreads to the child through placenta. The hormones produced at different emotional situations in a mother reaches the child through placenta. The pregnant ladies living in families having mental tensions and emotional disturbances may make children having physical or mental handicaps. Moreover delivery may happen before the correct pregnancy period.
The experiments conducted in the modern period proved the importance of making pregnancy period happy. The Dutch scientist France Welder found that the positive strokes given to pregnant ladies creates happy emotions in embryos. It is proved in experiments that embryos respond to the talks and music from outside and it influences it after birth.

2) Infancy stage: Infancy is treated as a period in between birth and 3 years of age. It is a period of speedy growth of body and other development. In this period a child interacts with the new world and gets experiences to adjust with the environment. If the child gets more sense experiences in this period, it leads to speedy growth of sense organs.

3) Early childhood stage (Preschool stage): In this stage of 3 to 6 years of age, the big and small muscles in the body develop in high ratios. In this stage, start the use of fingers for doing minute activities. E.g.: To string thread in a needle, to string flowers or beads etc. No other stage influences the personality and character formation of the child than this stage. Children are always active in this stage. Hyper activeness is the specialty of this stage. Children involve largely in walking, running, climb, descend and throw in this stage.

4) Later childhood (Primary school stage): It is a stage from six to twelve years of age.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander


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