Pre Home Assignments

Learning Activity 1: Meditation on the Passage (as home assignment): Students should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times. After reading each paragraph, close the eyes & think about the paragraph content for a few minutes.

Learning Activity 2: Book Reading & Review Writing: Read minimum 2 books related to school organization & management & write your reviews about those books in 1 A 4 page (each book) in your Theory Assignment Book. (This Review presentation is included in the last unit).

Learning Activities for Live Class Session:

Learning Activity 1: Digital Visit, Study and Presentation in the live class: With the help of the below Observation form, each trainee should visit digitally 4-5 preschools working in a good way. After the visit and by reading some books or articles related to this topic, they need to give a brief description (3 minutes) about the visited schools. One student anchoring the program. After hearing the narration of all trainees, they have to write the findings in the Theory Assignment Book about the below given topics:

1. What things should be taken care of before selecting a place for preschool?
2. What things should be taken care of in the construction and direction of school buildings?
3. Which are the indoor and outdoor equipment needed to keep in a preschool?
4. The cleaning and safety related things needed in a preschool?

Model of the Digital Observation form:

Observed Subject Observed Matter

1. The physical Environment & Surroundings of the school
2. The specialties of the school building and the room arrangement
3. The specialties of playground and garden
4. The methods and arrangements made for cleaning & safety
5. Arranged indoor & outdoor equipment

Learning Activity 2: Group Discussion- Time Management: Arrange a discussion about Importance of Time Management & share both positive & negative experiences regarding Time Management from their life. One student anchoring the program.

Learning Activity 3: Guest Class: Arrange a guest class related to management & principles of management by a person having qualification in management (MBA or M. Com or having experience in Management). If any student has such things she can do it. After the class prepare a brief note regarding these topics in 2 A4 pages in the Theory Assignment Book. Lesson Committee member students give welcome, vote of thanks and anchor the program.

Learning Activity 4: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion like in TV. All students are participating in the discussion.
Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit
Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.

Learning Activity 5: Learning activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity as per the choice of lesson activities coordinating group.

Self-Home Assignments & with classmates:

Learning Activity 1: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about the Principles of Management in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.
Learning Activity 2: Pair TV Interview with a school principal: One take the role of a school principal and other one take the role of an anchor. Sub: Things to take care Things to care selecting staffs for the preschool. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 3: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about good learning environment in a school in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.

Individual & pair learning activities as Post Home Assignments:

Learning Activity 1: Make models of all timetables in the Theory Assignment Book.

Learning Activity 2: Study about the management system in a good institution nearby to you and write your opinion about a good management system in 2 A 4 pages in the Theory Assignment Book.

Learning Activity 3: Make a Visiting Card: Design an attractive Demo Visiting Card for promotion and admission for a newly starting school by using computer software / Android Apps.

Learning Activity 4: Make your own personal ‘My Day Time Table’ by including your normal day activities with time in a scheduled way in the Theory Assignment Book.

Learning Activity 5: Make a FAQ: Make a list of ‘Frequently Asking Questions (FAQ)’ with answers for a newly starting school in your Theory Assignment Book in 2 A4 pages.

Learning Activity 6: Study of Latest Management Strategies: Prepare and write a report in 2 A4 pages in your Theory Assignment Book regarding the Latest Management Strategies including usage of software’s, applications & other digital devices in the managing / managerial process.

Introduction: A Preschool should start with the study of possibility & run accordance with central law and or the law concerned of the state. A preschool can start in any of the below form or & its subsidiary:

1. Sole Property
2. Partnership
3. Co-operative
4. Organization
5. Trust
6. Joint Stock Company

After deciding to start a preschool next is to visit and learn things and activities from some preschools following scientific and psychological methods of learning. After that, select the correct location and place for the school. Next step is to make a plan for the building or buildings and make it. After that, buy different Indoor & Outdoor equipment for the school.


What is management?

Management is one needed in all group activities having common objectives. In short, Management is a system to coordinate the efforts of all individuals into a common objective. Management is the sum total of all the activities and processes for getting things done from a group of individuals having common objectives. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, directing and controlling are the main functions of Management.

a. Planning: Planning is deciding in advance what, when, where, who, how to do things. It is nothing but formulating things in advance for fulfilling objectives in future. On Period basis plans are of three types – long term, medium term and short term. Planning is the base of success.

b. Organizing: Organizing is dividing authorities and responsibilities and arranging resources on the basis of plan. Organizing gives a framework for different activities.

c. Staffing: Staffing is a function of selecting suitable people for the positions in the organizational framework and this training and remuneration giving.

d. Directing: It is the implementation of things on the basis of plan. It is the stage of getting results.

e. Controlling: It is a stage of evaluating things and taking corrective measures if necessary. It is the function of making sure whether things are going on the basis of a plan and keeping all the group systems in the correct track.

Management Principles developed by Henri Fayol:

Henri Fayol was a French mining engineer, mining executive, author and director of mines who developed 14 principles for management:

1. DIVISION OF WORK: Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Fayol presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization.

2. AUTHORITY: The concepts of Authority and responsibility are closely related. Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being accountable, and is therefore naturally associated with authority. Whoever assumes authority also assumes responsibility.

3. DISCIPLINE: A successful organization requires the common effort of workers. Penalties should be applied judiciously to encourage this common effort.

4. UNITY OF COMMAND: Workers should receive orders from only one manager.

5. UNITY OF DIRECTION: The entire organization should be moving towards a common objective in a common direction.

6. SUBORDINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS TO THE GENERAL INTERESTS: The interests of one person should not take priority over the interests of the organization as a whole.

7. REMUNERATION: Many variables, such as cost of living, supply of qualified personnel, general business conditions, and success of the business, should be considered in determining a worker’s rate of pay.

8. CENTRALIZATION: Fayol defined centralization as lowering the importance of the subordinate role. Decentralization is increasing in importance. The degree to which centralization or decentralization should be adopted depends on the specific organization in which the manager is working.

Types of Management:

Management is doing things right. It’s the discipline of planning, organizing, leading and controlling an organization. Management has many faces. That is to say that managers have many styles and management has many types. Below are the most common types of management:

1. Strategic Management: Strategic management looks at an organization’s overall strategy formation and execution with the goal of growing and sustaining competitive advantage. Strategic management is an executive function that may report to the owners of a firm.

2. Sales Management: Management of sales territories, teams or accounts.

3. Marketing Management: Management of marketing strategies, products, brands and promotions.

4. Public Relations Management: Managing communications between an organization and the public.

5. Operations Management: The management of production of goods and services. Operations management is a broad field that describes everything from manufacturing management to retail management.

6. Supply Chain Management: Managing the process of moving a product or service from supplier to customer.

7. Procurement Management: Managing the acquisition of goods & services from external sources.

8. Financial & Accounting Management: Managing financial and accounting processes and teams.

9. Human Resources Management: Responsible for attracting, hiring, training, compensating, rewarding and managing the performance of employees. Human resources places a key role in forming and overseeing an organization’s culture.

10. Information Technology Management: Managing information technology teams and processes.

11. R&D Management: The management of research & development processes & teams.

12. Engineering Management: Managing the application of engineering to business solutions. For example, new product development, manufacturing and construction.

13. Program Management: Program management is the management of an ongoing portfolio of projects.

14. Project Management: Project management is the planning, organization and control of projects.

15. Risk Management: Risk management is the discipline of identifying, assessing and controlling the chance that objectives and processes will have negative consequences.

16. Change Management: Change management applies a structured approach to business change. The goal of change management is to help organizations and teams make smooth transitions to target states.

17. Quality Management: The management of quality planning, control, assurance and improvement.

18. Innovation Management: The management of innovation processes such as strategy, research & development or organizational change.

19. Design Management: The management of design processes such as new product design.

20. Facility Management: The management of facilities such as offices and data centres.

21. Knowledge Management: Knowledge management enables the identification, creation, representation, distribution and use of knowledge. In a knowledge driven economy, this has become a critical field.

Things to care before selecting staffs for the preschool:

a. Consider only people having specific qualifications.

b. Select only efficient people from the applicants.

c. Follow enough criteria and processes for selecting people.

d. Give special training in the beginning to make it suitable for the organization.

e. Give training in regular intervals for making them adjustable with the changes and the new findings.

f. Consider only teachers who have completed training in a new method of learning. Otherwise give additional training if we select teachers other than this.

g. Appoint only teachers / nurses who have completed training in child psychology and scientific child care. If otherwise, arrange sufficient training for them.


The Schools having the following specialties maintain a good learning environment:

1. The School runs in an environment having clean and fragrance.

2. The building and its surroundings are appropriate with nature and its surroundings.

3. The surroundings of the school are made with gardens and other decorations.

4. Class and chairs arranged in an attractive way.

5. The walls of the class and school are decorated with beautiful pictures and photos.

6. Different Varieties of learning equipment are available in the school.

7. Happy and Satisfaction feels in the face of all students.

8. Students get encouragement, appreciation and recognition for all their positive behaving and actions.

9. Students have the freedom to express and share their opinions, ideas with others in the school.

10. The environment of the school is fearless and confident.

11. Consider the diversified personality of all students.

12. The training and teaching given to the students, teachers, and other staff are psychological and scientific.

13. The behaving and character of students, teachers and other staff is model to others.

14. Eco- friendly environment, nature friendly way of life are the characteristics of this school.

15. Truthfulness, sacrifice, patience, co-operation, equality, unity, kindness, brotherhood etc. are the values filled in the environment of the school.

16. Problems and deficiencies are solved with discussion.

17. Democratic character, Management principles, quality etc. are the features of this school.

18. Schools always try to give more and more training to students, teachers, family members of students, other public etc.


Time tables are important for keeping and running things in a systematic way. It helps in utilizing the valuable time of students and teachers. For time management, creating aware about responsibility, initiative etc. time table is compulsory. The headmaster should keep the master timetable which includes the time tables of all teachers and classes. Time table for students and time table for teachers also needed. The joint effort and cooperation of all teachers are needed for preparing timetables.

Things to care while preparing time table:

a. The divided workload should be balancing and justifiable to all people.

b. Correctly arrange and avoid doubling.

c. Always mix different variety activities and assignments.

d. Provide time for rest and entertainment occasions.

e. Time table should be flexible. It is for serving people not for governing.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander


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