Pre Home Assignments
Learning Activity 1: Read passage & Meditate: Should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times. After reading each paragraph, close your eyes & think about the paragraph content in a few minutes.
Learning Activity 2: Making Chart: Write the 19 points of the new language method of the author (only the main points written in bold letter) in a Chart paper in an attractive way.
Learning Activity 3: All students make a Multimedia presentation about the language ideas of the author described in this unit with the help of PowerPoint or other softwares. All the students forward the soft copy of the presentations to: [email protected]
Learning Activities for Live Class Session:
Learning Activity 1: Pair Talk: Two pupils sit face to face and share their school/college experiences regarding English & other languages teaching and learning.
Learning Activity 2: PowerPoint Presentation function: Arrange a powerpoint presentation function about the language ideas of the author described in this unit. 3 students (selected by lotto from all students) present the prepared power point. Maintain the flow of the program as a normal function. One student acts as the anchor.
Learning Activity 3: Speech: Lotto way 1-19. Lotto getting a person to address the class/group with that language idea in 2- 3 minutes.
Learning Activity 4: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion. All students are participating in the discussion.
Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit
Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.
Learning Activity 5: Drama: Make a drama based on the new language methodology formulated by the author. One student record the drama presentation & forward to: [email protected]
Learning Activity 6: TV Discussion: Arrange a Discussion like in TV about ‘One World One Language’ by forming trainees into 5/ 6 members groups. One student acts as the anchor / moderator.
Learning Activity 7: Learning activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity related to this unit as per majority students’ choice.
Self-Home Assignments & with classmates:
Learning Activity 1: Pair Talk: Two pupils sit face to face and share their school/college experiences regarding English & other languages teaching and learning. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 2: Self Speech in front of mirror: About each language idea in 2- 3 minutes.
Learning Activity 3: Group Discussion: Arrange a Discussion like in TV about ‘One Language & Development’ of 4 / 5 members group. One student acts as the anchor / moderator. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Individual, pair & outside learning activities as Post Home Assignments:
Learning Activity 1: As Outside Assignment: Tell the brief ideas in English related to this unit to your English fluent external friend.
Learning Activity 2: As Home Assignment: Write an Essay in your own words in 2 A 4 pages in your Theory Assignment Book regarding the benefits of the ‘One world One Language’.
Learning Activity 3: Social Media Troll/ Strip making: Make Social Media Troll/ Strip based on each language idea of the author & forwarding to groups in FB, WhatsApp., Twitter, Instagram, e- mail etc. & forward a copy to: [email protected] Sample of a post given her. If any students have no such accounts, they can make it as simple phone messages & can share with their friends.
Learning Activity 4: As House Assignment: Design a beautiful logo for ‘one world one language concept’. All the students forward the soft copy of the logo to: [email protected]
Learning Activity 5: As Home Assignment: Make a Small Documentary / Short Film in English based on One or more Language Ideas of the author (all students selecting different ideas) with the help of mobile phone camera/ other camera by using Windows Movie Maker or similar applications. All the students forward the soft copy of the Documentary to: [email protected]
If the file size is above 25mb, send it by ‘google drive’ or by ‘google we share’.
a. Language is not the product of grammar. Language originated before formulating Grammar rules. Language is beyond some one’s written grammar rules. When we hear others talk continuously, then we learn grammar, that is, which words, in which ways, where we need to use etc. (This is what happens in acquiring our native tongue). Cores and cores of people lived in different time periods in different places involved in the development of language. But very few people are only involved in making written grammar rules of all such languages. So prevailing written grammar rules in any language are not representing or even not accepted by the entire users of that language. What is the purpose of language? Mutual communication. People formulated and developed language for their mutual communication only, not for imparting or implementing some one’s rules in it. Language originated and developed informally and unknowingly through different eras and through cores and cores of people’s involvement. So my question to language academicians is, what right do you have to bring those people into your or some other ones formulated language rules. Let them be free in using their language. For example, people are crying in different ways in this world. If someone makes rules for crying and compelling all others to follow those crying rules. Then what will happen? Same like crying, use of language also we can’t control and unify with some one’s formulated rules.
b. Never teach grammar formally or informally. Formal or Informal teaching of grammar creates confusions and conflicts in the learner. When we teach grammar rules, the learner thinks about the grammar rules while he/she is about to talk. Then he/she can’t talk and can’t concentrate on the topic. Then talking becomes more difficult and confusing. All language related things (grammar rules and conditions) are automatically exchanged from the speaker to the listener while talking and hearing. Don’t put any imported rules or formalities in their language and don’t make it difficult and complicated to acquire. The necessary rules for their use of language in different contexts they will acquire unknowingly and informally by listening to those who associate with them. People are using language and changing its rules according to their convenience and according to the technological and other changes happening in this world. So language and its rules are flexible, dynamic and hold the face of a mass number of people. It doesn’t mean that there is no grammar. The teaching and learning of someone formulated grammar rules is the problem.
c. For writing also there is no need to teach grammar rules. Writing is also not the product of grammar. All grammar rules were formulated only after inventing script and writing. Letters and words are the written form of different sounds we use in our talking. In that sense talking and writing are the same. If a person learns the written form of sounds in a particular language (alphabets), he can write & read all the things he speaks. Letters and writing invented mainly for overcoming the time and distance limitations of talking. Also there is no standard format of writing. Like talking, in writing also there are many ways, usages, styles and orders.
d. Human language is the developed form of animal’s language. The only difference is that humans can combine more sounds than animals. The origin and order of developing language or language development stages can be seen in an infant viz. making meaningless sounds (starting cry), meaningful sounds (later cry becomes meaningful), combining few sounds (usage of single words), combining more sounds (talking), writing and reading. Majority animals are still in the beginning two stages.
e. Informal ways make more results in language training. All languages originated informally only. It is exchanged from one generation to another informally and automatically. Languages originated not from a set of rules, by-laws or even not from text books. Changing an informal and automatically originated language system to a formal system (by making grammar rules & making language as a learning subject) is the reason behind the failures of the conventional and formal way of teaching language.
Instead of teaching a language, giving maximum hearing and talking chances in an informal and real life or practical way is the best and scientific way of acquisition of a language. That means stopping formal teaching of language is the best option for the acquisition of language in people. The formal teaching of words, meaning, spelling, pronunciation etc. creates negative effects only in the learner. Because this type of teaching diverts the attention of the speaker in finding meaning, checking pronunciation etc. instead of talking or answering. This principle is applicable for the acquisition of language for all native & non-native speakers. The strategy should be the same for building language skills in both native & non-native language speakers.
f. The origin, evolution and development of languages are the same for all the languages in this world. That means the same strategy should be followed for acquiring all the languages in the world.
g. Any verbal knowledge or words without any direct/ imaginary visuals or music will not go into the subconscious mind. A word with a direct or imaginary image or visual stays in the subconscious mind for a long time. Words with melodies are also getting absorbed in the same way. This strategy is also applicable for the acquisition of all other learning subjects.
h. Here, one word speech, two words speech, multiple words, flow of words, flow of sentences, write, read is the order of acquisition of language in a person. This very same order we need to follow in developing any language in a person.
i. Correcting creates fear and conflicts in the learner. Correcting automatically happens by hearing others talk continuously. Through different stages only one can reach the fluency stage. Language is developed not for correcting and governing others but for making communication.
j. Creating and maintaining a standard pronunciation is not practical for any language. Language or talks in a language is not a one man’s invention. So many people have contributed and are still contributing to the development of language. Climate, geography and many factors of the place will influence the vocal cords in the matter of sound modulation & sound pattern in a person. More than that, which way one hears the sound, that same way, he develops his talking. Through the advancement in technology, communication devices and globalization, it is getting automatically reduced, up to an extent.
k. If we teach the writing, only after learning to speak, there is no need to teach meaning, spelling and pronunciation. This process automatically one acquires from others speech. Which way one hears a word regularly is the same way he pronounces that word.
l. By birth, nobody gets any particular language. In that sense, there is no ‘mother-tongue’. Childhood on which language hears and talks more, he gets more attached with that language and feels more comfort and gains speed in using that language. The language fundamentalists and particular language beneficiaries exploit and misuse this attachment (mother-tongue mania) for attaining their narrow political, religious and economic interests. Since, almost all languages are connected with a particular region, religion, caste, culture, country etc. It creates language fundamentalism in a person and one gets angry with other languages and sometimes may lead to attacks on those who use other languages.
m. Never connect any language with any culture, country, religion, region, caste etc. Otherwise, for making relationships and communication originated languages themselves become reasons for spoiling relationships.
n. No language can continue with specific written grammar rules. Because of the changes in technology, inventions, styles, fashion etc. of the people, new words, usages, styles will emerge & that will become a part of that language. Which languages seem flexible to that changes, that languages survives more than other languages.
o. Language and culture are different things. Language acts only as a medium for exchanging culture. Change in language will not affect one’s culture. Which language he uses becomes the medium for exchanging his parents and other traditional culture and things.
p. ‘One World: One Language’. The origins of all languages are from the same source. Many languages originated earlier because of the distance between people and the absence of interaction between them. Now the communication technology and devices are very much developed and people all over the world need to interact and the world is becoming one big village. Then why should we teach or learn many languages and waste our time, energy and resources. The literary works in all languages can be translated into the common language and can protect and make them more readable. One language gives the world unity, peace, development, prosperity etc. and removes boundaries and barriers in between people and saves time, energy and resources.
q. Language and Development: The countries that accept the idea of “One world One Language” concept will develop faster as their international trade relations will increase and they would be able to better manage their human resources. Most of the developed countries in the world follow a common language. The shortcut for underdeveloped and developing nations to develop faster is to follow a common language. Translation of literary and other works in different languages to the common language will increase its possibilities & help in preserving it. A common language gives opportunity to every person in the world and a chance for equality, growth and development. That means socialism can be achieved by using a common language.
r. Language and Human Friendship: One world One Language is the medicine that can unite mankind over region, country, religion, cast and creed. If we translate all the religions and other philosophies in the world into a common language, all will understand it and there will be unity and friendship in the world.
s. ne Language and World Peace: “One world One Language” will lead the world to peace. Through a common language the common man and the governing authorities of different countries can communicate effectively and solve their conflicts with friendship and speed and bring peace.
This unity and peace will lead the people of the world to the philosophy of ‘A Global Country’ with One Constitution, One Law & One Currency. It doesn’t mean one ruler or one govt. The same countries, states, districts etc. continuing with one constitution, one rule & regulation & one currency under the leadership of the United Nations.
All the money & resources spent for defence can convert into development & poverty eradication. It gives peace & unity in the world & gives justice to everybody in case of law & opportunities.
The advancement in technology, transportation devices, communication devices, globalization etc. reducing the difference in between people & countries. But, the different currencies, rules & regulations prevailing in countries make a lot of difficulties & discriminate people in case of law & opportunities and waste our valuable resources such as energy, time, money & materials.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander