Pre Home Assignments
Learning Activity 1: Reading passage: Should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times and should do all preparations in its maximum.
Learning Activity 2: Self Imaginary practice with closed eyes: This Educational Methodology- one by one point’s way. That experience everyone should write in half A4 page in your Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activities for Live Class Session:
Learning Activity 1: Imaginary Activity practice with closed eyes: Sub: Based on ‘new methodology of training’ – Repetition through Enjoyment’: Remember about any happy experience in life by using all five imaginary senses. Then become aware about the idea- Repetition through Enjoyment.
Learning Activity 2: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion. All students are participating in the discussion.
Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit.
Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.
Learning Activity 3: Pair Talking: Two pupils sit face to face and talk about their intimate friends and relatives based on their sense orientation.
Learning Activity 4: Group Discussion: “Learning is not only imparting knowledge, but to create confidence in the learner in its maximum”. Discuss this subject by forming trainees into 5 or 6 members groups.
Learning Activity 5: Aim Setting and Visualizing Meditation: Give a Meditation for setting goals in life. Visualize and feel as it is happening.
Learning Activity 6: Pair Talking: Two pupils sit face to face and talk about situations, you are encouraged and share experiences you felt while in school/ college or in family/ social life.
Learning Activity 7: Group Discussion: Arrange a Discussion about ‘diverting to aptitudes’ by forming trainees into 5/ 6 members groups.
Learning Activity 8: Make a skit based on any Educational Methodology described in this unit.
Learning Activity 9: Speech: Lotto way 1-11. The person who gets the lotto, addressing the class/group with that methodology in 2- 3 minutes.
Learning Activity 10: Visualization with closed eyes: Visualize a school or class which follows all these methodologies. Do it one by one.
Learning Activity 11: Speech: Any one or two can make a speech in 10-15 minutes in an interactive way about the Psychologically Developed Method or Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP).
Learning Activity 12: Through an Imaginary practice way learn the techniques of Rapport Making with closed eyes. Then write the 12 techniques of Rapport Making in a Chart paper in an attractive way.
Learning Activity 13: Speech: Any one or two can make a speech in 10-15 minutes in an interactive way about the subconscious Mind & its power.
Learning Activity 14: Learning activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity as per the choice of lesson activities coordinating group.
Home Assignments with Classmates:
Learning Activity 1: Pair Talking: Two pupils sit face to face and talk about their intimate friends and relatives based on their sense orientation. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 2: Group Discussion: “For exchanging confidence from one person to another the rapport between them is essential. That is why, people say- teach with love. Rapport connects with ego status. If two persons’ ego status becomes similar, rapport building becomes speedier. If the teachers come into the ego status of children, they can make rapport with children”. Discuss this subject by forming trainees into 4 or 5 members groups. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 3: Pair Talking: Two pupils sit face to face and talk about situations, you are encouraged and share experiences you felt while in school/ college or in family/ social life. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 4: Group Discussion: Arrange a Discussion about ‘Repetition through Encouragement’ by forming trainees into 5/ 6 members groups. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Learning Activity 5: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about Educational Methodology developed by the Author one by one in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.
Learning Activity 6: Self Visualization Meditation with closed eyes: Visualize a school or class which follows all these methodologies.
Learning Activity 7: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about a Psychologically Developed Method or Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP) in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.
Learning Activity 8: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech about the subconscious Mind & its power in front of the mirror by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.
Individual, pair & outside learning activities as Post Home Assignments:
Learning Activity 1: Deliver Speech: Deliver and record short speeches in 3- 4 minutes about each methodology. Use ideas like salutation, eye contact, body language, sound modulation, up and downs in speech, expression of different feelings in words, face expression etc. in your speech.
Learning Activity 2: Tell a brief idea about this Educational Methodology in English to your English fluent external friend. That experience and report everyone should write in 1 A4 page in your Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activity 3: Self Meditation: Practice a self-visualization meditation: How to make Mind Tuning or Rapport with other people? That experience should everyone should write in half A4 page in your Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activity 4: Observe any one or two small kids near to your house and identify their aptitude and discuss that idea ‘diverting to aptitude’ with their parents. That experience and report everyone should write in 1 A4 page in your Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activity 5: Making a Small Documentary in English based on one Methodology (all students selecting different Methodologies) with the help of mobile phone camera/ other camera by using Windows Movie Maker or similar applications & send a soft copy of the documentary to [email protected] by the student.
Learning Activity 6: Write good methodologies other than written in this book as per your idea & thinking in your Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activity 7: List of Activities for Rapport Building: Make a list of activities in your Theory Assignment Book from your experience useful for school teachers for building rapport with students, children, parents and colleagues.
The traditional “chalk and talk” method of teaching that’s persisted for hundreds of years is now acquiring inferior results when compared with the more modern and revolutionary teaching methods that are available for use in schools today. Greater student interaction is encouraged, the boundaries of authority are being broken down, and a focus on enjoyment over grades is emphasized. Methodology is a very important fact in learning. Anyone working in the training field should acquire the skill to choose educational methods, changing from one to another and unifying more methods if necessary. Below describes about the author’s Educational Methodology to be implemented in modern education:
1. Repetition through Enjoyment:
Brain produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter that supports every reward seeking behaviour (happiness in case of a child), Mind tends to repeat anything that creates happiness or enjoyment. If we create happiness and enjoyment in any learning activity, that repeats without others’ compulsion. If anyone controls the 5 internal and 5 external senses in learning time, they lose their happiness and enjoyment. At the time of free play their senses are not controlled. If we give freedom to all the senses of children at the time of class also, happiness and enjoyment can be brought to the learning. With that, if we give encouragement and recognition, the volume of happiness increases.
2. Sense Orientation and Its Focus: All people have three levels of senses. But the effectiveness and importance of senses is purely individual. In the case of Internal and external senses, some people show priority to sight, some in hearing, some in touching, some in smell and some in taste. If we give sense experiences in common, people absorb it in different ratios and effectiveness. A hearing oriented student may not look into the face of the teacher always. If the teacher compels that student to look at her face or to the board it can lead the student into misery. Visualization & Imaginary sense practices also should make a part of the training and learning process. These practices help in enhancing imaginary/ internal senses in a person. Imaginary senses are directly connected to the subconscious mind.
Senses receive the outside inducements and convert into electric signals and deliver to the brain. The brain will not absorb it as fully. By connecting with the previous experiences, the brain compares it and interprets it, some it accepts and some it rejects and thereafter formulates an inner image. This inner image is not the reality or the incident. On the basis of each person’s sense orientation, previous experiences, values etc. he/she accepts things that are only acceptable to him/her. That means they will see, hear, touch, smell and taste only the acceptable things. That means acceptable things only see, hear, touch, smell and taste. The sense orientation is the factor that decides this acceptance. The brain ripens and stores things and experiences that come through five internal and five imaginary senses with the help of old experiences. Correct ripens are possible only if it connects with previous experiences. If they get experiences in accordance with their sense orientation, this connection with previous experience is very easy. This emphasizes the meaningless effort of the teaching method which focuses on one or two senses. Moreover it reveals the unscientific way of examination with a specific answer index. This sense orientation theory is applicable only for common people.
It is good to mix all the senses and imaginary sense activities to train more students at a time. This way we can make learning a happy and enjoyable process. Then of course no difference will come between play and learning. Learning becomes play and play becomes learning. It also develops all the senses in children. The teacher should of course need to know the sense orientation of each student. Then training becomes more effective and useful.
3. Involves Three Levels of Senses:
There are three levels of senses: five external senses, five imaginary senses and the sense of spirit. External senses consist of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Five imaginary senses consist of imaginary sight, imaginary hear, imaginary touch, imaginary smell and imaginary taste. Sense of spirit is the consciousness about one’s own spirit and understanding about one’s succession of births and brings the skills acquired in old successions to the new succession.
4. Self-Realization & Enlighten:
If we go very deeper to our inner self, our consciousness will come down & universal consciousness will develop in our self & that helps in self-realization and in enlightenment.
5. Confidence Building Method:
If there is confidence, anyone can do anything. All things become possible for man. Training is not only imparting knowledge. But also to create the confidence to acquire knowledge in children, they will make or collect knowledge which they need. For example, in the case of driving, can anybody drive a vehicle only with theory knowledge? Training and learning becomes a waste in the absence of confidence. That means, creating confidence is more important in training and learning. For exchanging confidence from one person to another the rapport between them is essential. That is why, people say- teach with love. Rapport connects with ego status. If two persons’ ego status becomes similar, rapport building becomes speedier. If the teachers come into the ego status of children, they can make rapport with children. Co-learning, group learning, group teaching etc. helps more in building rapport. Through giving encouragement, recognition also one can increase the volume of confidence in a person.
6. Positive Goal Oriented Approach:
Aim is essential for the success of any activity. An individual can determine aim from the stage of the formation of thinking power. The defect in determining aim is the main reason behind all the failures in the education field. Over this comes examination and result as an appendix of education, the aim of education thus gets tied up within this area. The social and individual objectives and essence of education is lost. For example, we can see pure drinking water is wasted by educated children from the school water tap or public tap. That is because, they learned that lesson without the aim of learning the lesson- save the limited resource- ‘water’.
The basic aims of education are described in the School Organization syllabus book. Without an aim, all activities one feels boring and inefficient. Divide the main aim into sub aims and fix the period to attain it. If we visualize with a positive feeling the status after getting the aim and do things for it, of course we can reach that aim. Visualizing gives us inner energy and confidence. The energy after finishing the sub aims; help us in getting energy and power to forward us to move to the next aim. Visualizing the aim is also a process to give instructions to your subconscious mind.
7. Repetition through Encouragement:
There is a tendency to repeat things which we are getting through encouragement and recognition. If we give encouragement to one by considering his/her sense of orientation, the result will be more. Always encourage the good habits of others. If we give timely encouragement to children, their interest in learning and keeping good habits can increase. Through continuous repetition of a behavior, it becomes a habit. Encouragement we can give in different ways- through words, through pleasant smiles, through gifts, through clapping, through lovable behaviour etc. For small kids, a small pat, smile is enough for encouragement. When they become a little grown up, together they clap, give gifts etc. Lastly they also expect encouragement from the society.
8. Diverting to Aptitudes:
In the preschool stage itself we can identify the area of interest and aptitudes of children. If we give learning activities on the basis of that, we can make them to the maximum of their development. By concentrating in one interest area, we can make them experts in that area. Together with the basic lessons of social, science and mathematics, we need to give them training in their own aptitude areas. Great legends like Sachin Tendulkar, A. R. Rehman was created because their aptitude was trained with focus. Deep learning in all learning areas creates only average people and it wastes their valuable time. Moreover the attained knowledge and experiences is stored in the brain permanently. So we cannot use the limited brain cells effectively. If we deeply evaluate the life history of many great people, we can understand the importance of this idea, diverting to aptitudes.
9. Psychologically Developed Method:
Learning is happening through internal senses, imaginary senses etc. Mind not only receives the knowledge and experiences completely from the senses but also connects the previous knowledge and experiences. By this the mind forms an inner picture. The inner picture formed in mind is not the real picture. This inner picture controls and influences the senses and thinking. That means conscious mind and subconscious mind mingles together and works in a person.
By changing or improving the structure or character of the inner picture of a person, we can change the behavior, character and emotion of him. That means the factors of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch of the inner picture separates and changes them according to need. If we identify the sense orientation of a person, we can make the changes in him very speedily. Bad habits, fear etc. can be removed by oneself or with the help of others. Pain, sadness, despite, enmity etc. can be removed or one can reduce the effectiveness. By increasing the power, one can increase the effectiveness of happiness and success. One can change the beliefs and values in mind.
By understanding others’ mind pictures, we can speedily make rapport with them and thereby we can imitate, lead and control them.
By controlling the outer muscles and outer (external) senses, one can control the subconscious mind. Our activities are happening by the mutual and interactive communication of conscious mind and subconscious mind. The body state is different at the time of happy and confident feeling and at the time of sadness and despite feeling. Our body and mind mutually interact. We can remove the sad and despite, if we consciously change into the body status of happy and confident at the time feeling sad and despite.
This technique was used by great people like saints very earlier. This technique is applicable in any group activity like family, school, other institutions etc. If we develop these types of methods by considering these complicated aspects of the brain, we can make revolutionary changes in the field of education.
10. Mind Tuning:
The effect of verbal teaching and communication is very low. The mind tuning, spiritual tuning, the acceptance between teacher and students works more. So mind tuning and rapport making techniques are very effective for training others. Thoughts, words, feelings, expressions, actions etc. are different forms of energy. Through unseen exchanging channels it exchanges to others also. Through mind tuning as said above, this exchange can be made more speedily and effectively. For example, some children become deep fans of some film stars. Then what happens to the child is that he or she becomes a reflex of that film star. Mind tuning is also the science behind spirituality and its results.
Techniques of Mind Tuning and Rapport Making:
a. Keep an innocent smile
b. Always keep a relaxed mind with positive feelings.
c. Always make positive thoughts and positive words only.
d. Creating belief in others.
e. Giving timely encouragement and appreciation to others.
f. Understanding others’ conditions.
g. See & do things from others view point also.
h. Gentleness and humility.
i. Always say and do only the truths.
j. Meditation.
k. Think and feel that- all are the same.
l. Innocent and unconditional love etc.
11. Education from Prenatal:
Formation of zygote onwards learning happening. So start education from the prenatal stage onwards.
12. Subconscious Mind:
The Subconscious Mind works both like a magnet and like a mirror. Our and others’ thinking, words, feelings, expressions, actions, habits etc. attracts like a magnet and stores it as inner images and reflects the same like a mirror. So we need to consider the subconscious mind and its power in education.
Thinking, words, feelings, expressions, actions etc. are different forms of energy. Through unseen exchanging channels it exchanges to others also. Through mind tuning as said above this exchange can be made more speedily and effectively.
As per the law, energy cannot be destroyed. A positive energy leads to another positive energy. Negative energy leads to another negative energy.
Meditation is a good technique for tuning the subconscious mind. In alpha and other deeper stages of the mind, the subconscious mind gets more magnetic and reflecting power.
Basically, we need three types of energy- energy through food, energy through breathing and energy directly from the universe. Normally, during sleeping time we get direct energy. Through Meditation in different stages of the mind, this energy can receive speedily and effectively. Moreover this energy can substitute with other energies. Abundance of different positive energies is available in nature.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander