Pre Home Assignments

Learning Activity 1: Read passage & Meditate: Should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times. After reading each paragraph, close your eyes & think about the paragraph content in a few minutes.

Learning Activities for Live Class Session:

Learning Activity 1: Pair Talking: Two pupils sit face to face and talk about their previous experiences regarding caparison of children by their teachers and parents.

Learning Activity 2: Group Discussion: Divide the students into 5 or 6 member groups & arrange a discussion about ‘things to take care while dealing with children especially school children’. After the discussion, one student leader represents the group & presents a conclusion about the discussion in front of the class.

Learning Activity 3: Pair Interview like in TV: Sub: Things to take care while dealing with children.

Learning Activity 4: Skit: Divide the students into 5 or 6 members groups. Make and present a skit regarding giving freedom to children in the class room.

Learning Activity 5: TV Verbal Pair Debate For and Against Way: Arrange a pair debate in any contradictory subject related with education. Another one student anchors the program.

Learning Activity 6: Group Discussion: Arrange a group discussion about the common character of preschool children on the basis of the passage described in this book. Discuss this subject by forming trainees into 5 or 6 members groups.

Learning Activity 7: Imaginary Activity practice with short Meditation & Visualization with closed eyes. Sub: The common character & nature of pre–school children.

Learning Activity 8: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion like in TV. All students are participating in the discussion.

Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit

Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.

Learning Activity 9: Learning Activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity related to this unit as per students’ choice.

Self-Home Assignments & with classmates:

Learning Activity 1: Pair Talking: Two pupils talk about their previous experiences regarding caparison of children by their teachers and parents. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.

Learning Activity 2: Self Speech in front of mirror: About common character of preschool kids in 2- 3 minutes.

Learning Activity 3: Pair Interview like in TV: Sub: Things to take care while dealing with children. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.

Learning Activity 4: TV Verbal Pair Debate For and Against Way: Arrange a pair debate in any contradictory subject related with education. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.

Individual, pair & outside learning activities as Post Home Assignments:

Learning Activity 1: As Home Assignment: Make 2 funny cartoons ridiculing ‘talk & chalk’ method of conventional teaching in Theory Assignment Book.

Learning Activity 2: Making Chart: Write the 10 points- the common character & nature of pre –school children in a chart paper in an attractive way.

Things to take care while dealing with children:

• Enter the class with smiling faces and wish the students. Keep a pleasant mind all the time while dealing with children.
• Trained teachers get rapport with children very speedily and they may imitate and model the teachers. So keep truthfulness, punctuality, sincerity, love, help, service, equality, mercy etc. throughout the life and acquire the skills of sense control, emotional control, control bad habits etc.
• Do not compare children and do not make a talk in front of children, parents, school authorities or others with comparison.
• Through curriculum and co-curricular activities do not create fear, unhealthy or accidents to children.
• Always accept the personality of the children. Do not do any activity or behaviour that affects or decreases innocence or pride.
• See all children equally & give opportunities to all children equally.
• Any language given to children needs to be given in the natural and biological order and appendix of language development. Same as people who absorb their native tongue.
• Children need to get activities and experiences from parents and other family members according to the teaching method followed in school. So giving awareness to the parents and family members of students is very important. Therefore arrange learning and training programs at regular intervals for them too.
• At the time of planning and giving different learning activities for children one needs to consider the physical, mental and emotional specialties of children in that age and involve children in that process.
• Always encourage all positive activities and efforts from the part of students and recognize it.
• There should be a clear cut aim behind each learning activity and that aim should be in accordance with and leading it to the social aims.
• Give enough freedom to children for creating practical intelligence, problem solving skills and thinking power in them and create opportunities for self-correction in them.
• Teachers should take care in including and mixing different learning activities (described in our Practical Hand Book) by considering the different skills and talents in children and try to develop them to the maximum level.
• Co-learning, group learning, coexistence learning, group teaching etc. should be included in the learning process & attain the social aim and values like love, sacrifice, equality, service, mercy etc.
• Learning activities should be given in complete and it should increase the enjoyment skill, imagination, creative skills etc.
• All learning activities should be enjoyable and involve all 5 internal and 5 external (imaginary) senses.
• Learning activities should be co-related and should be able to connect with previous experiences and real life activities.

Some common character & nature of pre –school children.

•Children already acquired enough experiences before joining school.
•They have endless interest and curiosity.
•They like a diversified and active learning environment.
•They like to learn by using senses like see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
•They like to work together and like to share opinions, emotions, finding, and thinking with others.
•All children are different in the cases of aptitude, interest, skills, nature, character etc.
•They have an inborn urge to grow and develop.
•They like to see their surroundings in real life and like imagination.
•They like a free and fearless environment.
•They like constructive activities because of the skill of creativity.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander


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