2 MC’s from Daily Lesson Activities Coordinating Committee come to action.
Informal Talk in English: Two pupils talk about their dream place. Then change the pair and continue talking about their dream school. While talking, give attention to eye contact & observe the body language of the other person. Practice with variety presentation style & sound modulation. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things.
Dramatic presentation of a story: Present a story as groups in a dramatic way in a competitive way regarding social values as groups.
Talent Day: Each person write an activity like mimicry, mono act, mime, any dance, cinematic dance, classical dance, speech about any subject etc. in a piece of paper. Then, mixing & one taking one as a lot & performing that. All should participate. Give chance to all to appreciate others.
Home Assignments
1. Pair Home Assignment:
a. Informal Talk in English: Two pupils talk about their dream place. Then continue talking by changing the topic to their dream school. While talking, give attention to eye contact & observe the body language of the other person. Practice with variety presentation style & sound modulation. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
2. Home Assignment as Group:
Dramatic presentation of a story: Present a story as groups in a dramatic way in a competitive way regarding social values as groups. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
3. Individual Home Assignment:
a. Craft: Make any 2 craft works for preschool students.
b. Image shapes: Cut animals/ birds/fishes figures on corrugated paper boards or similar materials & colour them with different water colours.
4. Weekly Individual Home Assignment:
Plant saplings: Plant minimum 10 saplings (baby trees) in your house and care them. Take the photo of it in mobile, show to your faculty & can add that details in the Centre’s Facebook page.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander