2 MC’s from Daily Lesson Activities Coordinating Committee come to action.

Practice talking with different volume levels as a pair in different situations: Eg. In the library, market, phone, hospital, train, secret talking etc. Then change pairs and continue. Practice with a variety presentation style & modulation.

Instant Rhyme / Song: Say certain familiar names – (Eg. parrot, mango, wind, father, mother, lamb etc.). Write poems or lyrics on your own in ‘My Daily Assignment and Exercise Book’ and recite it by giving your own music & choreography. Everyone appreciates each other.

Purifying the thinking process: With closed eyes do meditation for five minutes. Then open your eyes and write about what thoughts went through your mind during meditation in a paper. Then write, whether it is a positive or negative thought (in self-opinion) against each thought. Second time, do the same process with a full smiling face. Then open your eyes and write about what thoughts went through your mind during meditation in a paper. Then write, whether it is a positive or negative thought (in self-opinion) against each thought. Third time, do the same process with a full smiling face & observing the breathing. Then open your eyes and write about what thoughts went through your mind during meditation in a paper. Then write, whether it is a positive or negative thought (in self-opinion) against each thought. Make a self-evaluation about each stage of this practice. Faculty gives verbal guidance.

Sound modulation pair skit practice: One talks with baby’s sound, other one talk with grandmother’s sound. Then change as a teenage girl & mother, two old aged mothers etc. Change pair & continue with others. Invite all others to participate in the program.

Home Assignments

1. Home Assignment as pair:

a. Practice talking with different volume levels as pairs in different situations: Eg. In the library, market, phone, hospital, on the train, secret talking etc. Then change pairs and continue. Practice with a variety presentation style & modulation. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.

b. Sound modulation pair skit practice: One talks with the baby’s sound, the other one talks with grandmother’s sound. Then change as a teenage girl & mother, two old aged mothers etc. Change pair & continue with others. Invite all others to participate in the program.

2. Individual Home Assignment for the day:

a. Science/ Finding Work: Toy Parachute: Educative toys/ materials – polyethylene bag/ kerchief, thread 50 cm x 4 nos., draw of the match box, small stone. Cut out a big square shape from the polyethylene bag. Tie the thread to the four corners. Tie the other ends to the match box draw. Parachute ready. Place the stone in the match box draw and let it go from the top of a building. What do you see? Try to create this toy using a kerchief. What will happen while coming down in a parachute? What happens if there is a hole in the parachute umbrella? Why is the parachute falling slowly? It has to push the air below to come down. Reduce the speed of coming down, by increasing the size of the umbrella.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander


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