How Can We Treat Fever in Children in Summer

Being ill isn’t fun at any time of the year, but it can be particularly uncomfortable when the weather is warm. Treating viral infection in children in summer can require a little extra care, especially when they are suffering from a fever.


Keeping Hydrated

Getting your child to drink plenty of fluids is essential when you’re treating viral infection in children in summer. Try to get your child to drink a little at least every hour, or more often for younger children, even if they aren’t feeling very thirsty. You could also try giving your child an ice lolly to suck on, as this will give them some fluid while also providing relief from the heat and soothing their throat. If your child isn’t drinking or you think they may be dehydrated, you should seek medical help.

Staying Cool

Getting the temperature right can make viral infection in children in summer less uncomfortable. There are a few simple things you can do to make your child feel better.

  • The room: try opening doors and windows, using a fan or air conditioning, or shading the windows to cool the room to a comfortable temperature. However, don’t overestimate the British summer and let it get too cold.
  • The bed: if your child has a fever, the best place for them is tucked up in bed, even in summer. Choose a light sheet or blanket rather than a thick duvet, but keep the covers on and dress your child in loose, light pyjamas. Have some extra layers handy to add or remove as necessary.
  • Cooling: a cool flannel on the forehead can help your child to feel more comfortable, but it’s best to avoid a sponge bath as the sudden change can leave your child feeling chilled.

Make sure that you check your child’s temperature regularly so that you can adjust the bed, their clothes or the room temperature accordingly. If the fever gets too high, you should seek medical advice.


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