Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is NCDC and how long have you been conducting these courses?

    National Child Development Council (NCDC) is a government registered & ISO 9001: 2015 certified national organization working since 2004 (Registered in 2005) for women empowerment, child welfare & child education. NCDC also has Participant status in the United Nations Global Compact, New York, USA. Courses have been conducted since 2005.
  • What are the aims or motto of NCDC?

    Protect the rights of children & work for the welfare of Women & Children. Develop scientific and psychologically molded training methods. Improve the quality of child education. Conduct premarital and post-marital counseling programs. Abolish child labor and child begging. Give timely, valuable suggestions & advice to govt. and other organizations. Conduct Different Training Programs for Parents, Teachers & Children.  

  • Where is your head office? Is it a trust or Govt. Institution?

    New Delhi. It is not a Trust. It is a government-registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
  • What are the specialties of your courses?

    1. If you join our Montessori Vocational Course, you will get two category training, Montessori School Training & Normal School Training. These two categories of theory & practical papers we included in one course. What benefits are, you can work in these both category schools & get preference in getting a job there.

    2. Providing extra training at fully free of cost & providing its certificates (2 Extra Certificates).viz.

    A. Baba Easy Spoken English Training with Personality Development.

    B. Skill Acquisition Training covers 25 areas:

  1. Presentations Training: Anchoring, Interviewing, News reading, etc.
  2. Yogasan, Meditation, Pranayama & Mind control.
  3. Leadership Quality.  Imaginary Senses development & developing
  4. Imagination & Creativity.
  5. Preparation of CV & Development of skills in job interviews & Career development.
  6. Public Speaking & Speech delivering.
  7. Different Acting, Drama & Sound Modulation & Mimicry.
  8. Essay, Biography & other Literary Skill development.
  9. Good Behaving, Character formation, Life Lessons.
  10. Thrilling, Cheering: Creating & activating Body & Mind Related.
  11. Participating in Debates & Developing Skills for Debates.
  12. Soft skill training in puppet making & puppetry.
  13. Organizing Programs & Functions.
  14. Drawing, Painting, Molding & Sculpture related.
  15. Different Crafts-related training: Paper, origami, thermocol, cloth, waste materials, etc.
  16. Magic & Magical Plays.
  17. Musical Instruments practicing.
  18. Different Riddles &  Editing, Layout
  19. Puzzles making.  & publishing work of Magazines.
  20. Group Discussions: presentations & conducting.
  21. Making & Practicing different enjoyable plays & games.
  22. Seminar conducting & presenting a paper in Seminar.
  23. Instant Rhyme & Story making.
  24. Instant Skit & Drama Making.
  25. Rapport Building with others
    (These extra training & its 2 certificates gives you preference in getting the job)

3. Our learning Methodology (NCDC) is very enjoyable & easy.

4. This training makes a lot of good changes in your life.

5. Our curriculum is based on the central govt.’s latest skill-oriented curriculum & the Methodology is most modern & internationally applicable.

Validity related doubts

  • Is it PSC/ UPSC approved?

    Nowadays, the government sector, especially in the school sector, doesn’t have many vacancies. So our focus is on the unaided sector. Our course is useful for getting jobs in CBSE, ICSE, International Schools and other unaided schools with high salaries. 

  • Which schools do we get jobs from?

    Our courses are useful to get jobs in CBSE, ICSE, International Schools and other unaided schools with high salaries.

  • Validity of the course?

    The certificate is issued by a government-registered & self-governing national organization (NCDC) and the courses are internationally valid and have ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Job-related doubts

  • What is the job opportunity?

    Our course is useful for getting jobs in CBSE, ICSE, International Schools, and other unaided schools internationally with high salaries.

  • Do you provide any placement support?

    We have a placement support cell for giving Placement assistance to course-completed students.

  • Which class & school can I teach?

    In unaided schools, all over the world. In the unaided sector, there are no government restrictions regarding this. Capacity & ability is the main thing. Our courses following Methodology are not focused on particular classes. It is applicable universally in any educational field.

  • How much salary will I get?

    It particularly depends on the school and the performance of the candidate. Generally, unaided schools competitively provide better salaries.

Academic related doubts

  • Medium of instruction?

    In the beginning, all students get an enjoyable & easy ‘Baba Easy Spoken English & Personality Development Training’. Then the medium will change into English.
  • What are the subjects there in your course?

    We have both Theory & Practical Papers (For more details refer to Prospectus).

  • Do you provide any books?

    We will provide a soft copy of the Theory & Practical Module / Syllabus Hand Books free of cost.
  • Is it difficult to study?

    The Methodology is very enjoyable & easy. You will get a variety and unforgettable learning experiences from this course.
  • What is Montessori?

    The Montessori education system is the most modern, scientific, and internationally accepted method of child education. It is an educational system designed to aid children in the development of intelligence and independence. The key elements of the Montessori methods are self-education, individual instruction, didactic apparatus, a specially prepared environment, and the trained director/teacher. Most of the leading nations of the world follow this system. Thousands of schools in India have adopted this method of training. Understanding its importance and benefits, education bodies like CBSE are getting into this system. Montessori training offers ever-increasing job opportunities. NCDC’s Montessori Training Program (formally Montessori TTC course) combines quality training and international recognition. As the world as a whole is getting into the fold of this system of education, this course offers greater scope. Montessori trainees are given preference in other schools also. As the CIPE curriculum too is included in this course, those who successfully complete the course can also work in other schools all over the world. Montessori Practical Apparatus consists of Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematical and other sciences.

Class and course-related

  • What is the duration of the course?

    One Year
  • Do you have any age limit for joining?

    No age limit. 

  • Which is the best course?

    Selecting a course based on your Eligibility is good. All our Montessori courses include the CIPE curriculum & Montessori Curriculum.
  • What is the Daily Class timing?
  1. Daily 2 hrs: Online Group classes and practices (Batches you can select according to your timing convenience. We have morning, evening, and night batches too. 
  2. Individual, Pair & group activities, and assignments as per convenient time.
  • How will the nature of classes be?

    We have 5 courses. But the majority of papers are common papers. So classes for the common papers are conducted in a combined way.
  • People who completed a Literacy mission, open school, etc. join the course?


Fee and Money related doubts

  • Is there any hidden fee?

    We are charging only the fee written in the Prospectus.
  • Do we need to pay the course fee in full?

    Pay in monthly installments. If you can pay the course fee fully at the time of taking admission, you will again get a 5% course fee concession other than the 50% fee concession for Aptitude test passed people. This concession is not applicable for the Registration fee and Evaluation fee.

  • What are the other Expenses for the course?

    The courses are designed in a cost effective way. Maximum we use waste materials for making different learning materials.

  • Is there any SC/ST, Ex-Serviceman concession?

    Because we are giving 50% concession for Aptitude test passed people.
  • Is there any other fee concession?

    The 5% of Course fee concession again gets those who pay the Course fee together at the time of taking admission.
  • Because of any personal reason, if I can’t continue my course, what can I do?

    Any personal reason wise if you can’t continue, in upcoming batches you can continue & the paid fee also will be taken into consideration.
  • Where will I pay the fee? 

    Our entire fee is accepted through our bank a/c only.

If you have any doubts. Please submit your phone number, one of our executives will contact you within 24 hrs.
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