Importance of Montessori teacher training course

“Montessori is an education for independence, Preparing not
just for school, But for life”.
Montessori is a scientifically based education
approach which gives more importance to child
centered learning where the children will be
independent and get a chance to explore, learn things
on their interest. This approach paves away for self-
directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative
play .Also children of different age groups (2+years)
mingle together to learn where younger one can learn
from elder one and elder children can share their
knowledge with younger children. So to maintain this
atmosphere a teacher who is highly passionate about
the holistic development of children is needed.
Need for Montessori teacher:
Maria Montessori who is the founder of
Montessori way of teaching dedicated herself to find a
suitable teaching method where she designed learning
materials and created a classroom environment that
allow children’s natural desire to learn along with that
she also provided freedom for them to choose their
own material. From the above text we can understand
that to become a Montessori teacher lot of passion,
love, patience, tolerance and knowledge about the
children’s development is needed.
Role of Montessori teacher:
Montessori teachers work alongside with the
student. They role is to prepare the classroom, allow
the child to solve their problems by themselves,
enhancing critical thinking, don’t force the child to learn
instead engaging them in learning process. Also they
should posses
• Active listening skills
• Knowledge about Montessori teaching
• The ability to work well with others.
• Patience
• Remain calm in stressful situations
• Understanding.
• Creative and Compassionate.

“Montessori is an education for independence, Preparing not
just for school, But for life”.
Montessori is a scientifically based education
approach which gives more importance to child
centered learning where the children will be
independent and get a chance to explore, learn things
on their interest. This approach paves away for self-
directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative
play .Also children of different age groups (2+years)
mingle together to learn where younger one can learn
from elder one and elder children can share their
knowledge with younger children. So to maintain this
atmosphere a teacher who is highly passionate about
the holistic development of children is needed.
Need for Montessori teacher:
Maria Montessori who is the founder of
Montessori way of teaching dedicated herself to find a
suitable teaching method where she designed learning
materials and created a classroom environment that
allow children’s natural desire to learn along with that
she also provided freedom for them to choose their
own material. From the above text we can understand
that to become a Montessori teacher lot of passion,
love, patience, tolerance and knowledge about the
children’s development is needed.
Role of Montessori teacher:
Montessori teachers work alongside with the
student. They role is to prepare the classroom, allow
the child to solve their problems by themselves,
enhancing critical thinking, don’t force the child to learn
instead engaging them in learning process. Also they
should posses
• Active listening skills
• Knowledge about Montessori teaching
• The ability to work well with others.
• Patience
• Remain calm in stressful situations
• Understanding.
• Creative and Compassionate.

Not all teachers can become Montessori teacher
only who is passionate about learning and following
Montessori principles can be. . So by a well-trained
person from a very good institution one can serve as
Montessori teacher. Also there are different Montessori
courses available as per educational qualifications. And
number of institutions are there among them National
child development council is one of the best places to
learn Montessori teacher training courses.
“Become a Montessori teacher and bring the
holistic development in children.”

Shifanabanu, student of NCDC Batch 76
Faculty in-charge – Sherin Mubeen


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