Put together the Youngster For the Path

As a mother of young children who are about to enter the school system within the next couple of years I’ve noticed there are a lot of different choices from when I was growing up. There is of course public, private, charter, magnet, Montessori, home schools and many more. These days I hear about parents researching various schools to decide what would be the best fit for their child.

One of my favorite quotes is “Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child”. Are we really preparing our children for the future? Of course academically we are stuffing their little brains to capacity but what about the rest of their being? Are they learning how to be independent thinkers, how to really handle conflict, how by helping others they are really helping themselves and real spiritual growth?

With the instability of our economy, children need to know they can handle anything that comes their way; that don’t have to rely on someone else for their security (like a job). They should know we are all born with everything we need to be successful in life. Since our schools really don’t teach this (or there are very few that do) it is up to us as parents to make sure our children are aware of their greatness and how to tap into the universal abundance that is for everyone.

There is definitely a shift going on which is evident in more people realizing the power of our own actions and thoughts as seen in the popularity of books and movies such as “The Secret”. It is more important than ever to make sure our children are prepared for whatever situations arise. They need to know they are exactly the person God made them to be and they have a unique purpose for being here. Once we are aware of our own purpose and are willing to embrace it, we can live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I try every day to tell my daughters something I love about them. Not that they are smart or pretty, but more about how they are being. For example, when I notice my daughter showing empathy I tell her “I love that you are so compassionate”. Hopefully this is teaching her there is more to her than an outwardly appearance or intellect.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope as fellow parents we can all make a commitment to our children to help prepare them for their path and not create a path for them.

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