2 MC’s from Daily Lesson Activities Coordinating Committee come to action.
Informal Talk in English: Two pupils talk about last seen cinema. Then change the pair and continue talking. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Practice with variety presentation style & sound modulation.
Story Making Puzzle: A shows a picture to B and B makes a story based on that picture. Then B shows & A makes. Then change the pair and continue. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things.
Constructive story related with animals with Animals Sound Modulation. All are participating in this group activity.
Home Assignments
1. Pair Home Assignment:
a. Two pupils talk about last cinema they saw. Then change the pair and continue talking. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Practice with variety presentation style & sound modulation. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
b. Story Making Puzzle: A shows a picture to B and B makes a story based on that picture. Then B shows & A makes. Appreciate each other & do thrilling things. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
2. Group Home Assignment:
a. Constructive story related with animals with Animals Sound Modulation. Practice this activity as a group of 5 members. Faculty prepare the groups list & put it in the group.
3. Individual Home Assignment:
a. Caricature making: 2 students sitting face to face (video call mode) & drawing Caricature of the other person and presenting each other as a soft gift.
b. Masks: Make attractive Masks of minimum 4 animals.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander