Opening Bottles

Presentation Opening bottle is a  Montessori practical life activity  in Montessori teachers  training curriculum. Invite 1 child to include you to tell him that you have something to reveal to him. Tell the kid to convey the basket of bottles to a particular desk. Have the younger infant take a seat down down earlier than […]

Polishing Glass

Presentation Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show him. Tell the child that we will need aprons for this activity. Put on an apron and then have the child put one on as well. Have the child bring the mirror-polishing basket and have them place it in the top […]

Buckle Frame

Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Have the child bring the appropriate dressing frame and have them place it on a specific spot on the table you will be working at. Have the child sit down first, and then you sit down to the child’s right. Tell […]

Safety Pin Frame

Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Have the child bring the appropriate dressing frame and have them place it on a specific spot on the table you will be working at. Have the child sit down first, and then you sit down to the child’s right. Tell […]

Opening a door

Prepare for the use of a door with little to no circulation. Invite 3-4 children to come participate in your lesson by telling them you have something to show them. Show each child where exactly to sit and once the children are seated, you sit so that you can see them all, they all can […]

Washing Cloths

Make sure the table to wash cloths is ready for use. Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Tell the child that we will need aprons for this activity. You and the child put on an apron. Stand in front of the appropriate table with the child to […]

Polishing shoes

Invite a child to come by telling them you have something to show them. Put on an apron and have the child put one on as well. Have the child bring to the table the board and on it the shoe-polishing basket. Place it in the center of the table. Place the basket in the […]

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