NCDC & ICET Rapid Spoken English Module Day 5: End Letter Word Game

NCDC & ICET Rapid Spoken English Module Day 5: End Letter Word Game

Activity 1: NCDC Prayer Song.

Activity 2: Faculty gives individual welcome to each student.

Activity 3: Give welcome to all with song. Faculty leads.

Activity 4: Each student share the experience regarding yesterday’s 4 practices:

(a) Practice with their family members.

(b) Voice Practice with your partner student over phone and opinion about the partner.

(c) Video Practice with your partner student over phone and opinion about the partner.

(d) Game show Video Test and the result.

(e) Overall improvement after the Look and Say Word Puzzle.

Activity 5: Faculty shows a demo of End Letter Word Game.

Activity 6: Students practice End Letter Word Game as pairs and thrills after the practice. Others appreciate with congrats song.

Activity 7: Faculty shows a demo of open challenge practice of End Letter Word Game.

Activity 8: Students practice open challenge practice of End Letter Word Game.

Activity 9: Faculty clears the doubts of students.

Giving Home Assignment to students:

A. Phone voice call practice of End Letter Word Game between the first set of 2 students (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).

B. Phone voice call practice of End Letter Word Game between the second set of 2 students (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).

C. Phone voice call practice of End Letter Word Game between third set of 2 students (Faculty prepare the list of pairs and put it in the group).

D. Practice the End Letter Word Game with your family members, especially children.

Group Message matter:

Today’s End Letter Word Game can practice with your family members along with your life related activities. See the below video to see how it is possible?
Demo Video link of Practical Lesson 5:

E. After finishing your above practices you can test your level and improvement by this Practical Lesson 5 Test link: (You can do more attempts too).

End with the National Anthem and bye bye song.

Module Developed by: Baba Alexander


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