Pre Home Assignments
Learning Activity 1: Meditation on the Passage (as home assignment): Students should read the passages in this unit minimum 3 times. After reading each paragraph, close your eyes & think about the paragraph content for a few minutes.
Learning Activities for Live Class Session:
Learning Activity 1: Group Discussion: Importance of records & share both positive & negative experiences regarding records. One student anchors the program.
Learning Activity 2: TV News with field visit: A TV News team visiting a school and collecting and checking details regarding the records, reports and files kept there.
Learning Activity 3: Speech: Two student’s deliver speeches regarding Innovative ideas related with digital records and reports and useful software’s and applications in this regard.
Learning Activity 4: Mock Inspection: An AEO or DEO visits a school and checks details regarding the records, reports and files kept there.
Learning Activity 5: Group Discussion: Arrange a Group Discussion like in TV. All students are participating in the discussion.
Round 1: Purpose and objectives of learning and practicing the content in this theory unit
Round 2: How to apply the knowledge and the ideas in this unit in your life, career and in society.
Learning Activity 6: Learning activity as per students’ choice. Conduct a learning activity as per the choice of lesson activities coordinating group.
Self-Home Assignments & with classmates:
Learning Activity 1: Self Speech in front of Mirror: Do a Self-Speech in front of the mirror about the importance and advantages of keeping Records in a school by following all the formalities and techniques of public speech.
Learning Activity 2: Pair TV Interview with a school principal: One takes the role of a school principal and another one takes the role of an anchor. Sub: Types of Records, Books & Registers should be kept in a school. Faculty prepare the list & put it in the group.
Individual & pair learning activities as Post Home Assignments:
Learning Activity 1: Check in the Internet or Google Play Store regarding the availability of software and applications for making & keeping School Records, Reports and Files. Also write a report regarding it with the latest list of Software / Apps in 1 A4 page in the Theory Assignment Book.
Learning Activity 2: Make a model of the Cumulative Record in the Theory Assignment Book.
Introduction: Records are essential for school activities. Admission of students, their learning method, teacher’s appointment, Salary, holiday, additional activities etc. are needed to record in its own time. For working with children, teachers needed to know the family history of children, family environment, needs of children, abilities of children etc. Teachers should collect these details & write it in separate record books kept for it. It helps to understand more about children.
Through records, it is possible to inform the parents about each student’s aptitudes and interests. Records are books of arranged information’s keeping for getting facts in future needs. Facts in verbal form are not possible to remember. But if the teacher has a book of all these recorded facts, it is easy to find out anything at any time. This type of book should be kept in the school. Parents are sending their children to school. Records connect the parents more with the school. Records are usable for future needs and other needs. Records are very important for managing the school properly. Records influence very much in children’s development. So it should be prepared sincerely and correctly.
The Advantages of School Records.
1. It helps in learning: School records are helping to understand the facts about each child. It helps for case study, legal matters, management reformation etc. It also helps the school to assess whether funds are sufficient or not and it spends correctly or not.
2. It helps the teacher: It helps the teacher to understand the children. It helps to identify the skills and capacities of children & helps to fix the suitable learning activity for each student. It helps the teacher to give proper and intelligent guidance. It also helps the teachers to give a description about the character of each student and helps to give advice and instructions to their parents.
3. It helps the children: Records help the children to understand themselves and helps to improve their skills. At the time of school transfer, it gives an impression and guidance to go ahead.
Different types of School Records
School records are of 5 categories:
a) General b) Financial c) Educational d) Equipment e) Correspondences and phone related.
1. General: Log – Book, Visitors Book, Service Book, Transfer Certificate Book, Duty Register Book, Admission Book etc. are included in General.
2. Financial: Salary Register, Acquaintance Register, Fee collection Register, Cash Book and Vouchers, Ledger Books, Scholarship Register, Donation Register etc. included in this category.
3. Educational: Students and Teachers Attendance, Master Time Table, Class Time Table, Teachers Time Table, Health Register, Examination Register, Supervision Register etc. are included in this section.
4. Equipment: Stock Register, Library Registers, Register for play equipment and learning equipment, stationary register, sports equipment distribution register etc. are included in this category.
5. Phone and Correspondences related: includes the phone calls and correspondence details date wise registers.
Books and Registers needed to keep in Pre School
1. Admission Register: It is an important register. All details regarding the student are recorded in this register. After getting the filled application form for admission of students, it is entered in this register with the date of admission. Name of the student, name of parents, job, address, date of birth of student, previous studied schools, year and period etc. included in this admission register.
2. Attendance Register: Attendance register should be kept for each class. Through this register one can track the students who are attending the class daily. Write the student name only after writing the serial number and admission number. Each day marks the present, if the student is attending the class. Moreover there is a column to write the total present days of each student. Fee collection details, some month last filling details also included in this register. Filling this register is the duty of the class teacher. Head teacher examines it and puts his/her signature.
3. Teachers Attendance Register: It is a register keeping marking the attendance of teachers. Head teachers keep this register. Details regarding present days, leave, absent etc. are included in this register. Teachers need to put a signature in this attendance to show their present.
4. Fee collection Register: Different types of fees are collected from the students. This register used to write the details including library fees, special fees, tuition fees etc. from students. Fee concession and scholarship details can also be included in this register.
5. Salary Register: This register is kept for recording the salary paid details of teachers and non-teaching staff. Name of staff, salary amount, and other allowances included in this register. After paying all the salary, the head teacher should put her/ his signature at the bottom of the page.
6. Training Register: This register is a record of all learning and training program details given to the teacher, parents and the society.
7. Stock Register: This is a record having the details about school furniture, learning equipment’s, books in the library etc. Each one writes in the record separately with a serial number. At the time of year ending, check whether all are there or not.
8. Cash Book and Vouchers: Schools get funds from govt. in different ways. It is a record of all cash transactions of receipts and payments. Each transaction should be supported with a voucher or vouchers and the vouchers should be kept in a separate file kept for it.
9. Visitors Book: Different guests may visit the school on different occasions. It is better to collect their opinions in writing. It is better to keep a Visitors book to register their entries as keeping loose sheets is likely to get lost.
10. Mothers, Fathers Committee & School & Class Advisory Committee Book: It includes the details regarding the formation and activities of Mothers Committee, Fathers Committee, School & Class Advisory Committee, Parents and Teachers Committee etc.
11. Annual Program Calendar: It is a calendar of one year planned program of the school.
12. Annual Report Book: It is a briefed report on the activities carried in school for the whole academic year.
Other Important Records need to keep in a Preschool
1. Anecdotal Record: Teachers need to observe the behaving of their students inside and outside of the classroom. Anecdotal Record is the record of facts directly observed from each child. It helps to give learning activities by understanding each child. This record helps for future evaluation also. Social behavior of the child, relation with classmates, behavior, character, behaving in some special situations and occasions etc. can also include in this record. Teachers should take care in writing the correct facts in the book. Time, date, student’s opinion should also be included in this record.
2. Cumulative Records: It is a record to understand the different skills and talents. The Step by Step development of a child from starting of learning to the finishing and can be understood from this record. It is possible to give correct guidance to students because everything regarding them is included in this record. So it has a very good importance in education. The family background, physical strength, health, progress in learning etc. are included in this record. After in detail observation only teachers write details in these cumulative records. Writing of cumulative records should start together with the admission of the student. Moreover it should be updated every year by adding new facts. So it helps as an evaluation criteria to assess each student’s progress.
3. Case Study Record: Case study is the complete evaluation of children having any unusual, complicated character and behaving like tendency of theft, violence, activities of revenge etc. Case study is carried across those children. The main aim of case study is to scrutinize the student problems and thereby bring solutions for. Detailed study of the students including family, their physical strength, personal & educational background should be discussed in case study. The collected details regarding students should be timely updated. The details obtained from interviews and inspections are helpful for case study. The case study is successful through the joint and cooperative effort of teachers, parents, other family members, classmates etc. The health condition, thinking power, communication skill, general knowledge, physical conditions should be considered in the case study. In needy situations we take the psychiatrist’s suggestions regarding the same.
4. Health Record: Health card needed for each student. In that all health related things regarding a student needed to include such as height, weight, immunity injection, health checking details. Affected diseases, family environment etc. of the child should be included in this record. At the time of admission, school authorities should collect the basic details regarding the health and do some basic checking and include the details in the student’s health record. Via this teachers and parents can track the health of the child. Health checking of preschool students should be done once every three month. Any deficiency in the physical or intellectual should be taken care of. Health checking details every now and then should be included in this card. This card should be carried till the education period gets over.
5. Development Record: It is a record of the progress of the student. It includes growth of child interests, aptitude, personality, social behaving, interest in social work etc. Mental growth, intellectual skill, physical strength etc. are also included in this record.
Module Developed by: Baba Alexander