Sorting Trays
Introduction The sorting trays are a Montessori Sensorial material in Montessori teachers training curriculum which
Introduction The sorting trays are a Montessori Sensorial material in Montessori teachers training curriculum which
Thermic tablet is a Montessori sensorial material in Montessori teachers training curriculum, which is help
MATERIAL Three units of cards, every with representations of the figures with inside the geometric
Puzzle Map is a Montessori sensorial material in Montessori teachers training curriculum, Montessori students use
MATERIALS A massive mat A massive rectangular board A container with: – 10 squares growing
The sensorial curriculum area is unique to Montessori education, encouraging children to engage all five
Sensitizing Fingertips is a Montessori sensorial activity in Montessori teachers training curriculum. The Guide will
Materials A bag as attractive as possible with approximately 10 objects that are very different
Materials One container with gradations of roughness, containing 5 pars of tough pills of the